"We're not racists; we just believe in purity of race."


Passing through

I don't even like talking about these kinds of discussions because inevitably there will be someone who says something that mimics metaphorical fingernails down chalkboards, but whatev.

The comment, "we're not racists; we just believe in the purity of race" absolutely made me want to hit something. They just. Don't. Get. It.

No, the kid shouldn't have killed the man, but when past angers are simply swept under the rug, this can be what happens.

Mom: Son helped kill SAfrican white supremacist
By THOMAS PHAKANE and MICHELLE FAUL, Associated Press Writers Thomas Phakane And Michelle Faul, Associated Press Writers 1 hr 26 mins ago

There's no such thing as "purity of race." The "races," if anything are genetically indistinct. There has been too much mixing and genetic migration throughout evolutionary history for "racial purity" to be anything but a fiction espoused by bigots.
There's no such thing as "purity of race." The "races," if anything are genetically indistinct. There has been too much mixing and genetic migration throughout evolutionary history for "racial purity" to be anything but a fiction espoused by bigots.

EXACTLY. But hey, who said we live in a perfect world, right? :m194:
I'm not sure if my level of special attraction to other races is high enough to count me as /positive/ racist, but I definitely always had some strong interest in inter-racial mating. :) I don't know why, I guess superficial differences tend to attract me.

In regard to "purity" in general, I wonder how could there be still people who like it:

The royal families have long ago shown how devastating this barbaric practice of "purity" is.
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The thing that often keeps me sane is the knowledge that one day, the children who have yet to be born will learn of these kinds of things and they will look to their parents and ask, "Mommy, Daddy, were people really so ignorant?"
All humans are descended from the same ape ancestors in africa, which means the human race is essentially one giant dysfunctional family, spinning through space on a large rock, sustained by a star which will eventually consume us

.....nature has a very dry sense of humour
Humans are almost exactly identical to one another, the genetic differences that determine human skin color are so minor that this is not even worth discussing. We all came from the same ancestor, humans just adapted to difference climates and needs throughout the ages. In the end we are all mix, there's no such thing as racial purity. The day humans stop discriminating one another because of race, gender, orientation and whatever else is the day where real progress would be made socially. Sadly, racism is still a major issue today as I have observed in many schools. I have the hope that perhaps my generation would change that but even know there are unfair stereotypes, prejudices and hate crimes. Are humans really that ignorant? sometimes I wonder...
There's no such thing as "purity of race." The "races," if anything are genetically indistinct. There has been too much mixing and genetic migration throughout evolutionary history for "racial purity" to be anything but a fiction espoused by bigots.

There are genetic differences between races, and it's easy to determine somebody's ethnicity from a sample of their blood. But there is genetic compatibility, regardless of those differences.

It is a fact is that a race can slowly cleave into two new branches. It has happened in the past, and it may happen again in the future. Our ancestors did cleave into the two branches that were the humans and the neanderthals.

Race is a very natural thing. It's also a very fluid thing. Genetics can mix and slowly come together, or they can drift apart through non-integration and therefore promote branching. Neither direction is intrinsically good or bad. The ethics is simply that we learn to treat life kindly, whatever the differences are.
Like you arby, I tend to stay out of these because they make me SOOO angry...the very phrase "purity of race" is racist...If you cannot allow any other race into your family tree you are therefore excluding the idea of interacting with any other race, thereby discriminating against them...ergo Racism...(yes I am sure you are all dizzy now)

from what I'd read, it's a race supremacist against one another? Or at least, one that's allegedly influenced by another race supremacist?

Dearest God.
While the statement from Terrablanche's relative is provocative, I think the article's attempt to broaden the particular crime (murder) to a broader race issue is gratuitous.

The murder, at face value seems to have been about money, not race; about a dishonest employer and disgruntled workers, not about "whites and blacks."

If this particular murder does provoke some bigger race conflict, it will not have been without some coaxing from the media.

(I'll pull myself up here before I go on a rant about how the media contributes to exacerbating conflicts and racial tensions globaly).
"You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel."

"Racial" purity= imbreeding, like ENFP can be shy said...

Ha! Think of dogs..mutts are the healthiest with the best temperments. Why should it be any different with humans?

::fades out of thread to the tune of dueling banjos::
"jesus loves all the little children all the little children that are white."

Wait a minute, thats not how that song goes.
I actually read somewhere that people who are more racially mixed are generally healthier and better looking than those who aren't.
I actually read somewhere that people who are more racially mixed are generally healthier and better looking than those who aren't.

There is a funny contradictory long-term effect of mixing races: the erasure of diversity. As transport improves, standard of living increases, racial intollerance declines, one will expect racial boundaries to crumble. Eventually this should mean that there will no longer be distinct races, but a single "mixed race."

It also makes it far more unlikely that a new human/hominid species will ever evolve, as isolation (geographic and genetic) is usually needed for a particular group to evolve into a distinct species.
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I actually read somewhere that people who are more racially mixed are generally healthier and better looking than those who aren't.

I think that comes down to two things: Racism and society. By society I mean that, typically, mixed kid's families tend to be on the wealthier side (or military) I'm also not sure if they are really 'healthy' comparatively. Better life styles perhaps
There is a funny contradictory long-term effect of mixing races: the erasure of diversity. As transport improves, standard of living increases, racial intollerance declines, one will expect racial boundaries to crumble. Eventually this should mean that there will no longer be distinct races, but a single "mixed race."

It also makes it far more unlikely that a new human/hominid species will ever evolve, as isolation (geographic and genetic) is usually needed for a particular group to evolve into a distinct species.

That's not necessarily true. If we really look at things logically, we've been racially mixing for thousands of years. The distinctions came from the mixing - the more we mix, the greater the diversity of colors, sizes, shapes, and the like. It would take more than a few more thousand years to become a singular color.

And genetics doesn't work like that. When you mix something genetically it doesn't all become one plant. It becomes many plants. When you mix animals of the same species you get different types of animals. When you mix people with genetic differences you get *more* variety, not less. Our genes are so incredibly diverse that you can find people with dark skin and blue eyes. You can find redheads with dark brown eyes. It would take an EXTREMELY long time of inbreeding the same genetic stock to get a lack of diversity.

But I think the different types of colors and racial mixing would mean we'd all become so diverse that there would be no "one" group. We would all be groups of ourselves. Of one.

And that might be an interesting event.
That's not necessarily true. If we really look at things logically, we've been racially mixing for thousands of years. The distinctions came from the mixing - the more we mix, the greater the diversity of colors, sizes, shapes, and the like. It would take more than a few more thousand years to become a singular color.

And genetics doesn't work like that. When you mix something genetically it doesn't all become one plant. It becomes many plants. When you mix animals of the same species you get different types of animals. When you mix people with genetic differences you get *more* variety, not less. Our genes are so incredibly diverse that you can find people with dark skin and blue eyes. You can find redheads with dark brown eyes. It would take an EXTREMELY long time of inbreeding the same genetic stock to get a lack of diversity.

An irrelevant point: I myself am a mixture of two distinct European races.

I was thinking of two countries where distinct races have mixed over a couple hundred years, to the point where the original races are not distinct any more: Mexico (spanish and indians); and the Philipines (chinese and spanish).
By definition, use of the term race, or believing the concept of race actually exists, is racist.
