What are some tips to making a good relationship work?

What are some tips or rules to making a good relationship work?

Picking the right person to be with. You can be 100% ready for a relationship, and absolutely mature in your approach, and have excellent communication with conflict resolution skills but it's all meaningless if the person at the other end has issues.

I think to be in a good relationship, you have to first make sure you're actually in a feasible situation that can work from the other person's perspective, given their personality and maturity.

Being an INFJ and knowing you are one means you've done enough self-analysis to understand yourself and your weaknesses. You should already have the tools necessary for a good relationship, picking the right person for you is the main thing.
Picking the right person to be with. You can be 100% ready for a relationship, and absolutely mature in your approach, and have excellent communication with conflict resolution skills but it's all meaningless if the person at the other end has issues.

I think to be in a good relationship, you have to first make sure you're actually in a feasible situation that can work from the other person's perspective, given their personality and maturity.

Being an INFJ and knowing you are one means you've done enough self-analysis to understand yourself and your weaknesses. You should already have the tools necessary for a good relationship, picking the right person for you is the main thing.

thx. this advice would probably work for every type i'd say as long as they're mature and sufficiently self aware.
i think you have to be realistic in relationships and know when it's time to leave. not all relationships can be salvaged, especially if both parties aren't possessed by the same desire to. i guess this doesn't really answer your question Res, but it's something i've been thinking about today
What are some tips or rules to making a good relationship work?
Having a strong self respect and being able to take care of oneself.
You're more likely to meet and click with 'good' people if those things are in place and then the relationship is easy going for the most part.