What are some unique interests you rarely share with others?

Almost no one (except my mom somewhat, and Raccoon Love to a certain extent) shares my sense of humor. It's very much based off mechanical inantimate objects and strange noises (I'll laugh at a toaster).

I loled.
This actually reminds me of myself.
I was laughing rather maniacally at the sound that the plastic metrocard produces if you bend it to and fro.
But then again, I pretty much laugh at almost everything. Really.
i'm drawn to dark literature, dark movies, big tarantino fan. dunno why, i feel like theres a sense of realness to it. if a movie can be dark and still realistic, i really enjoy it, training day, pulp ficition stuff like this.

Same here, except I don't like it to be violent. More like psychologically dark, but not necesarilly physically dark. I love books that explore the mind gone wrong in a sense, (fiction that is) but they don't, and usually aren't violent.

I'm very interested in the science of obesity, it's weird.



I also have a bizarre sense of humor, I'm not sure if its common among infjs. But if it's an anomalie like a prevous poster posted (i didn't see the name !) it just makes me lol. I also have a huge tendacy to laugh about something 4 hours or so after it happened, and I can't stop laughing. Also if a jokes funny I'll keep on laughing and laughing for like 30 minutes straight after everyone else had stopped. But that's more of a qquirk than an interest.
Is there an Asian drama fan club on the board? Come out, come out, wherever you are.
Nothing. I'm a videogame nerd and a fantasy geek who likes trading card games and I don't see the point of hiding this.

Oh apart from porn, but that'd be pretty weird if I shared that with others.
I get a strange high when I feel a beaker as an exothermic reaction is occuring.

I also get jazzed when I get to use a cool catalyst in a reaction that comes out as yellow foam.
I am really into audio processing and synthesis, both via analog and digital processes. As it concerns synthesis, I enjoy exploring, designing, and programming analog and digital subtractive, the use of hard- and soft-sync, frequency- and phase-modulation, vector synthesis, wave sequencing, wave-terrain, VOSIM, FOF, additive, physical modeling through waveguides, granular synthesis, and wavelet transforms. I am also a big fan of sampling techniques including the design and mapping of articulated libraries based on the above-mentioned forms of synthesis as well as the capture of acoustic phenomena.

Once those sounds are generated, I enjoy exploring, designing, and programming algorithms and circuits to do compression, expansion, limiting, boost (treble and non-linear), overdrive, distortion, fuzz, tremelo, vibrato, chorus, flanging, phasing, wah, autowah, envelope filtering, synthetic filtering, valve amplification, delay, analog tape delay, BBD delay, spring reverberation, parametric reverberation, equalization, spectral dynamic eq, DC offset, waveshaping, quantization, decimation, wavewrapping, rectification, feedback looping, bitswapping, logic masking, soft/hard clipping, ring modulation, non-temporal convolution, wavelet morph and resynthesis, square root distortion, frequency-shifting, and formant-shifting, among others.

I don't know anyone in real-life who is into that sort of thing, but I know a few people on the Internet who are.

I really love that stuff. Electronic audio as it concerns timbre and its application in the production of music is just a joy to me - a perfect mix of geek-ness and the exploration of sensation, feeling, thought, and intuition through music. :music:

  • Online and stand alone computer gaming
  • Military history
  • Science fiction and alternate history novels
  • Some Anime
I'm also pretty private about my spiritual life and my relationship with God. I've never felt the desire to evangelize that aspect of myself. That may be contrary to conventional teachings, but it is who I am.
I find serial killers facinating. I read about their case histories and books about what makes someone a killer. No dark fantasies about killing others just trying to understand the mindset that causes such behavior.
I like watching Bollywood films, listening to Bollywood music. Sewing verses. Practising Qi Gong in the garden at dawn. Practising self-hypnosis on the train when I'm feeling low. Reading religious texts. Reading semi-authentic novels on the apartheid and South Africa in general.
I find baby animal teeth quite fascinating.
As well as soil and geology and morbid things.
I find serial killers facinating. I read about their case histories and books about what makes someone a killer. No dark fantasies about killing others just trying to understand the mindset that causes such behavior.

That actually sounds very appealing to learn about. Where do you access case histories regarding serial killers?

I suppose knowing the names of a few of these criminals would help.
Physics...I'm a professional mathematician, physics is my dark, dark secret interest.
I love electronics. I've been computing since I was a baby. One of my earliest pictures is me sitting in my dad's lap a few days old watching the computer screen. I like to say I invented the iPhone when I was 6.

I like languages, too! I like to make up languages and speak Spanish randomly in everyday conversations.

I like weather. I have a weather station and everything. Heck, I've even toured my local NWS offices.

I am interested in the concept of time. I have a full theory of what time is and everything.
Same here, except I don't like it to be violent. More like psychologically dark, but not necesarilly physically dark

yeah either or is good for me, i think i just need to get in a fight or something. i've only been in a scuffle before, no blows were exchanged, anyone thinking what i'm thinking? new infjF group in the making.
Viking themes, most people prefer using Roman or English style things (even though the Vikings had a huge influence on England especially York). I love Scandinavian music (yes that does include Metal) and Imagry and I prefer the Nordic gods over the Greek gods.