What are some ways you keep fit?

I tend to run around in circles and jump up and down exclaiming things randomly. I also really enjoy chasing my roommate's cats around the house.

Just kidding! Kinda...

Other than that I dance to try to stay fit. I do weight training occasionally but not often. I try to limit my diet to things that aren't empty calories. I really need to focus on more veggies and fruits.
Hi Roger! I can put a brief explanation of Tai Chi here if that is okay with Ms. Arbygil... if not admins feel free to move it...

Tai Chi is, I think, Chinese. My impression of it, having done it a whopping three times, is that it is like moving prayer or moving meditation. It is intensly soothing and similar in many ways to yoga. My instructor tells stories while you do it and you make your body move to mimic the words to the story. Tai Chi (supposedly) harnesses your energy (Chi means energy in Chinese). It is very meditative and powerful... I think you would enjoy exploring it! If you love yoga, as I do too, you would probably love Tai Chi as well. :-D

Hmmm, janet. I got your point. Tai Chi is very interesting for me now. I'll go forward for it. :)
I tend to run around in circles and jump up and down exclaiming things randomly. I also really enjoy chasing my roommate's cats around the house.

Just kidding! Kinda...

Other than that I dance to try to stay fit. I do weight training occasionally but not often. I try to limit my diet to things that aren't empty calories. I really need to focus on more veggies and fruits.

Yeah, dancing is a great way to keep fit. It's fun and burns energy. Oh, yeah, and it's fun . . .
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I do 12 ounce curls every night after work for two hours religiously. I also exersize with my quarterstaff, as shown below.


Sometimes my cat even works out with me!


LOL!! Ok, seriously, I walk several miles each day at work. I also control my diet a lot better than in the past. I cut out beer (mostly) and pizza a year ago and have lost 25 lbs. without a ton of exersizing. I do just what they say and eat more, smaller meals. It works. I eat lot of veggies too!
I run for about 30mins 2\3 times a week and occasionally workout with weights.
-go veg
-climbing /the best/*
-basketball, volleyball, anything with lots of running and jumping
-walking whole days on hard terrains / mountains
-walking, duh
-martial arts, yoga
-biking, skating, skiing, (wind)surfing, paragliding
-traveling often; is healthy, even if you use transport
-housework, repair work
-eating regularly, frequently, with great variety
-variety, duh
-love, inspiration /helps everything else too/
-mental challenges
-warm climate near the sea/ocean
-good infrastructure; eg: hills to climb daily, heavy doors to push and pull
-crafts and other hand hobbies
-no stress/more important than people tend to realize/
-other simple health factors, such as fresh air, water, and sun baths
-avoiding child obesity; it's much harder to overcome later
-careful fasting / temporarily reducing foods; smoothly
-maintaining some pets

*Note: I'd like to develop better climbing environments. Such that put less crucial pressure on hands, feet and joints, but rather on the muscles of the body. At the moment wall climbing is a little too rough; people disjoint their arms and fingers quite often. That's not healthy, if you ask me; and really not needed to be done this way. However, the general idea is great. Allows you to freely use the push and pull forces of all your limbs, and move around the air. Trains all muscles of the body rapidly, while having lots of fun.
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-go veg
-climbing /the best/*
-basketball, volleyball, anything with lots of running and jumping
-walking whole days on hard terrains / mountains
-walking, duh
-martial arts, yoga
-biking, skating, skiing, (wind)surfing, paragliding
-good infrastructure; eg: hills to climb daily, heavy doors to push and pull
-careful fasting / temporarily reducing foods; smoothly

*Note: I'd like to develop better climbing environments. Such that put less crucial pressure on hands, feet and joints, but rather on the muscles of the body. At the moment wall climbing is a little too rough; people disjoint their arms and fingers quite often. That's not healthy, if you ask me; and really not needed to be done this way. However, the general idea is great. Allows you to freely use the push and pull forces of all your limbs, and move around the air. Trains all muscles of the body rapidly, while having lots of fun.

All these!?!?!?:m077:

:m097:How do you have the time to do all these?

wow ahahahahahahahaha :p
My exercise revolves around my favorite piece of equipment, my POWERTEC UTILITY BENCH>


I 've got a rack full of Hex Dumbbells ranging in pairs of 5-to-75 lb. Dumbbells, imagine what its like having 1200 lbs. of Iron on a rack in your bedroom on a wooden floor, that's not counting the 160 lbs. of standard plates or 340 lbs. of Olympic plates I have in another room. I like to think of myself as coming from the old Rocky school of bare bones old fashioned working out. Since I workout at home and alone, I don't do dangerous exercises that really require a spotter for safety such as barbell bench presses and barbell squats.

I like to stick with the old 5x5 system of lifting , where you do 5 sets of 5 reps, and then I do pyramiding on each set where I increase the weight. I've got a plate loaded lat machine I use a lot.

I've got a Century VersaFlex leg stretcher I use everyday for leg stretching, an Inversion table for spinal decompression , and a mini-iSMART massager that will shock you to your knees on full strength.

Most of my cardio work I get from punching and kicking my heavy bag, double-end ball, and jump rope. I love Muay Thai kickboxing. Hitting a heavy bag will really take the wind out of you and build stamina. I believe in cross-training and combining weights and cardio to be well rounded.

I've got a Waring Pro JEX328 juicer I use everyday. I usually buy 20 lbs of carrots at a time 4- (5 lb. bags) and use that as the base for my juicing, and add some apples and celery and a tiny bit of garlic to my juicing. I drink at least 16 ounces of a carrot,apple,celery cocktail everyday. I eat 2 bowls of oatmeal everyday. The only fastfood I eat sometime is Chic-fila , I like their sandwiches.

Lots of salads, Tuna fish , beef stew , beans, peas, soups. I try to eat balanced meals. 90% of the time I cook with a crock pot and a rotisserie , I've got the ShowTime Rotisserie grill, bought it off TV about 8 yrs ago.
