Regular Poster
This is a wonderful topic, please more opinions!.
I think, that feeling of inferiority are rather common, and have diverse roots. Sometimes, even if you are loved and had perfect childhood ( in my case), negative comments from people you look up to, little things can cause low self-esteem. I think it is also when you are not valued and ignored. But it depends in which kind of society you are. When you are introvert among extroverted family members you will not realize you are just different and that is okay, you start to blame yourself.
In my opinion healthy self-esteem depends of good self-perception, truthfulness to yourself and others and not comparing. It is realizing that your life experience is completely yours.

I think, that feeling of inferiority are rather common, and have diverse roots. Sometimes, even if you are loved and had perfect childhood ( in my case), negative comments from people you look up to, little things can cause low self-esteem. I think it is also when you are not valued and ignored. But it depends in which kind of society you are. When you are introvert among extroverted family members you will not realize you are just different and that is okay, you start to blame yourself.
In my opinion healthy self-esteem depends of good self-perception, truthfulness to yourself and others and not comparing. It is realizing that your life experience is completely yours.