What are the good and bad sides of being an INFJ?

The good: Never without something to think deeply about; strong survival instincts; I think very quickly on my feet if I need to; I can find the humour in tough situations; there must be other things...

The bad: Never without something to think deeply about; a constant inner war between needing alone time and needing the companionship of those closest to me; a very extreme delayed reaction to almost everything (it makes me appear stupid, which has been painful over the years); terrible sensitivity to the point where I can't function or even walk properly; knowing things I wish I didn't know, and having no explanation for myself or others as to how I know those things (you really learn to just shut the hell up about what you know...); there are many more...

It will never cease to amaze me that there are some who seems to have the same brain as I do. Impressive!
(Not on every point, though, but hey - where individuals!)
Good: Being able to make other people feel comfortable. Being able to read them in a way most people cannot and know very quickly what they like/don't like, how to make them laugh, how to make them feel wanted and needed.

Bad: Knowing that very few, if anyone, can do the same for you.
+abstract thinking and creativity
+original point of view
-took me a long time to realise people don't often see things the same way I think they obviously must be
-too many interesting thoughts and ideas sometimes lead to not being able to fall asleep or concentrate/finish one thing
-sense of loneliness, not many people understand me on the level I'd wish them to
-getting things out of my head so that other people understand them takes some effort
-getting easily overwhelmed by surroundings

...this list makes it look like I don't appreciate being like this, but actually I do. I have a lot of good times by myself.
Strengths include...

- Being force sensitive.
- Being able to intuitively grasp what others are feeling without them having to spell it out to us.
- Being good with abstract/figurative language.
- Death staring people into submission.
- Being able to see the matrix.

Weaknesses include...

- Being unable to take anyone at face value and thus feeling overwhelmed and invaded by overly aggressive social conventions.
- Rarely receiving the same degree of understanding and investment that we are often prepared to give to others.
- Struggling to meet like-minded people. Loneliness and depression ensues.
- Failing to translate thoughts into something anyone else can understand, inspiring others to conclude that we are insane/on drugs.
- Zoning out whilst someone is talking to you. Not a good way to make friends.