Absence of rest/sleep over several days creates a lasting challenge that can become somewhat cynical. Ever go without sleep for over three nights and days? The fourth day can become almost unbearable. Trying to stop meds one has been taking for many years for other reasons can and will complicate this situation. I actually was at the doctor today discussing this situation, so back on the meds I went. Guess what? Still cannot sleep. He seems to think when circumstances get better this may all go away. Asked me to call if I have suicidal thoughts. No tendencies, but the thoughts come and go. That is just the curious, analytical side of me, though. You can bet your sweet butt I won't, so why the worry? Why are thoughts always tangled into the nest of tendencies and actions?................................................................I've thought about walking on water before. Does that make me a nut? Never tried it................................I'd have to say human weaknesses cause the thoughts of suicide. Mental incapabilities may very well be the cause of tendencies. Giving up may be the leading cause of suicide, though I know of at least one who did it for happiness. [MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION], the use of the word delusional: is that so? [MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION], is it a cry for help or a cry from the helpless? [MENTION=1926]TinyBubbles[/MENTION], when we stop caring we are indeed in trouble. However, how can one stop caring when life has so much to offer? ..................Time to stare at the ceiling more...