What are you afraid of?

Seriously just falling down from a high place and becoming so dislocated and broken that I cannot even stand on my own two legs.

I've done the looking into the void and facing death A LOT at least by my estimate. Death is not what scares me. Unless in moments of grave danger of course. I shall take care of this life and not take it for granted.

No. What scares me is that anything can happen to shatter my momentum and love for life, and knowing that I must be strong enough for ANY thing to happen. It's wild. The universe is wild.

Love you all. <3 :)
Being incarcerated in an institution. Loosing control of my body- being trapped inside my body. Being subjected to torture or cruelty, thought control, someone wants to break your spirit, etc. Or just being stuck in a cruel environment or circumstance where I am tormented, shunned or misunderstood.
Heights also scare me, and killer dogs and rats.
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myself and attachments.
Deep, dark water...

1) Afraid of not doing something great in life (a larger purpose) before I die.
2) Afraid of injuries
3) Afraid to not expand my essence to the max. level.
4) Afraid of some crazy bugs hahahaha