- Enneagram
- 5w4
Lately I’ve been wanting to paint so I might give that a shot as well!
Yassss! Do it!!!
Lately I’ve been wanting to paint so I might give that a shot as well!
I want this to be a discussion where we can interact and share what we love and are passionate about, while also teaching each other a few things about what we enjoy. I want everyone who wants to participate to do so, and I encourage all viewpoints and opinions.
We are complex.rhombicuboctahedron
We are joking.Expensive watches.
We are warm individuals.Welcome to the forum.
We are into all kind of weird things.reading spirituality
We like music.I found this zelda song called 'Song of Storms'
We teach eachother.INFJs are Ni Fe Ti Se
We learn from eachother (well, I do).and can be rebellious
Yep.It is a bit creepy how similar our interests and introverted preference are lol.
Thank you are the words we use most.Aww thank you haha
And we always support eachother.Yassss! Do it!!!
"super artsy".
Photoshop fake news
What idea(s) do you have for a book if any at the moment?Lately just been into reading spirituality books (something different than the usual genres I would typically read), psychology studies, writing some short stories in my free time, being more outside now that it isn’t too hot before summer hits and just hitting the gym as usual.
The artsy part does fit a lot of INFJs, including myself who enjoys creative writing and eventually want to write a book myself.
What idea(s) do you have for a book if any at the moment?
I wasn't always like this.Sensor.![]()
Thanks. I'll check the member blogs tomorrow.That's one of the main objectives of this forum...
We are complex.
We are joking.
We are warm individuals.
We are into all kind of weird things.
We like music.
We teach eachother.
We learn from eachother (well, I do).
Thank you are the words we use most.
And we always support eachother.
Anyway...welcome to the forum. Look around and if you want to know what people are into, don't forget to check the member blogs. Have fun.
I can relateCurrently I’ve been thinking psychological thrillers, or science fiction. Something original and not too overdone. Unfortunately I haven’t gone into too much depth on what idea I want to focus on due to being busy with classes, family, friends, etc etc. You know how life goes lol
The biggest thing I've been in going about being an INFJ is the lack of detail orientation. I've never been good at it, like remembering the meaning/theme and backstory behind an artwork, but having an incredibly hard time remembering the author and the piece's name. Also, going into a room and feeling its overall mood, that's how I know the mood and if it's safe, etc, and so on. My passion behind techbology is aimed at creating videogames. I want to create a game that unifies people and their understanding of one another. I want to create a deep, rich, epic story where a character wants what's best for others, and sets out with that being his passion to fight incoming evil. The evil, however, will not be truly evil, and will have a story behind why they do what they do. The player will feel as if they are the character, and feel sympathy for the enemies, as they can see the light the character sees in the enemies. They will understand the values the character holds dear, such as loyalty to a just cause and to family, perseverance towards a just goal, creating strong, lasting bonds, and so much more. I want each music to tell a story, so listening to it can allow to listener to understand the story as if they were in it themselves, and feel every emotion and experience the story has to offer. I want it to be as effective as reading one written, only your listening to the ups and downs, curves and throws, drags, pivots and so on. In the end, I want the game (probably split into multiple games) to make people understand one another and not feel so lonely, knowing that we all urge towards connection and struggle the same basic struggles, though in different severities. I want it to change the view people have about one another, since we view each other so separate, but instead to view each other as one and alike. Then we can truly empathize, understand, and be kind to one another. Why a videogame? Because when you are playing as the character, you are living their story. A movie you're only observing. A book, you're only imagining. With a videogame, you ARE.Uhhhh, I've never heard INFJs described as "super artsy". That's ISFP. (Also, the term artsy fartsy should be firebombed. No, rilly! Hahaha!)
NTs are stereotyped as being "technically skilled and focused".
INFJs are usually stereotyped as writers and readers. We are also focused on humanity. Being focused on "humanity" doesn't necessarily mean we love being around people, even if we're good with people.
INFJs are Ni Fe Ti Se.
Here are our top abilities from strongest to weakest
Introverted: We are charged by alone time and being too social drains our energy.
Ni: Looks at consistency of ideas and thoughts with an internal framework. Trusts flashes from the unconscious, which may be hard for others to understand.
Fe: Seeks harmony with and between people in the outside world. Interpersonal and cultural values are important.
Ti: Seeks internal consistency and logic of ideas. Trusts his or her internal framework, which may be difficult to explain to others.
Se: Acts on concrete data from here and now. Trusts the present, then lets it go.
We're big-picture oriented. While we can certainly learn to be detail-oriented, and may even obsess over it, it is never our strongest ability, and big-picture thinking will always dominate.
We're stuck in our heads. Despite Se being in our top 4 functions, it's "inferior". We have trouble "living in the moment".
We like to connect things. Our brains are like investigation boards in crime movies. We like symbolism, and we even see symbolism when they weren't intended.
We're future-oriented.
We're non-confrontational. We like harmony.
We don't work well in groups.
So, something really funny about INFJs is that we're not the ideal office worker by a long shot. We don't do well on teams or working in groups. We aren't naturally detail-oriented. We're good with people, so we're placed in people-oriented roles, which burns us out because we're introverts. A few years ago someone posted about how INFJs are often low achievers (underpaid, passed over for promotions) at their jobs. This is part of what makes MBTI important. It helps us find the right jobs. We're better at being part of the idea engine at a job than doing detail-oriented work like data entry, measuring, technical skills that don't allow for mistakes, etc. We can absolutely learn to be detail-oriented, but any time you choose the opposite of what you're naturally better at, there will be fallout. So if you choose a detail-oriented profession you may get stressed out more easily, or you'll be less personable, or burn out and need even more alone time after work to recoup, or maybe you'll get defensive if someone questions your detailed work.
Another interesting thing about INFJs a lot of people overlook is that Fe makes us want to go along with society. You know those people who care about what other people think and want to fit in? Those are Fe users. At the same time, Ni makes us naturally different than others. We're independent thinkers, we have a hard time explaining how we think because Ni and Ti are pointed more inward and we can't always articulate the path to our ideas. So, INFJs are also naturally independent, "different", and can be rebellious. (Though, we hate confrontation and being publicly embarrassed, so too much rebellion is also uncomfortable.) So, INFJs are sort of always at war with ourselves over whether it is better to go along, or be independent and we try to strike a balance. We don't like to be leaders or followers. We like to be on the sidelines doing our own INFJ thing. (There are a lot of famous INFJs who were great leaders, but they fell into those roles because they were visionaries and had big ideas about, usually, making the world better.)
So, me specifically:
I'm an artist and writer. My work is full of symbolism and about ideas, and possibilities about a better future.
Cultural values and harmony are important to me. Order (quiet discord) is less important to me than achieving true harmony (even sometimes at the expense of non-confrontation, though confrontation makes me cringe.)
I am usually good with people, but they drain me.
I like hanging out with animals, as well as some people sometimes, and reading, hiking, going to see live music, going to museums and galleries, discussing ideas, and gaming. I like to run, ski, bike, hike, and other sports that aren't team-oriented.
I hate any activity where I'm supposed to be the center of attention, whether it is sports, games, karaoke, being in a band on stage, public speaking, etc.
I agree that the levels of immersiveness vary among the different media, but it doesn't change all that much - a lot of it depends on the user of the medium. As a bibliophile, I can tell you that there is just as much immersiveness for me in a book as there is in a videogame. I have theorised before that the levels of immersiveness into different activities varies individually based on function development, so I had wondered which functions would be used with an activity. But the lack of evidence left it at theory level. There is just psychological or neurological wiring which may impede or encourage specific modes of attention to a medium, and since the development of synapses connecting neurons is largely individual, this could indicate such different preferences.Why a videogame? Because when you are playing as the character, you are living their story. A movie you're only observing. A book, you're only imagining. With a videogame, you ARE.
I agree with your theory and about levels of immersiveness being similar based on functioning, but I chose a videogame mainly because I wanted to visually create a world players can interact with.I agree that the levels of immersiveness vary among the different media, but it doesn't change all that much - a lot of it depends on the user of the medium. As a bibliophile, I can tell you that there is just as much immersiveness for me in a book as there is in a videogame. I have theorised before that the levels of immersiveness into different activities varies individually based on function development, so I had wondered which functions would be used with an activity. But the lack of evidence left it at theory level. There is just psychological or neurological wiring which may impede or encourage specific modes of attention to a medium, and since the development of synapses connecting neurons is largely individual, this could indicate such different preferences.
But I would love to play your games, too. I'm also a person that prefers story based games, rather than making one yourself (RPGs) or just blindly following a small concept (mostly in strategy games and shoot-'em-ups).