What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15) | Page 137 | INFJ Forum

What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

Been in a Duran Duran mood lately.
Every dollar is like a knife. Tool or weapon, it's always dripping with blood.
Can you see yourself falling into a spiral of hedonism if you received an excessive amount of money?
Nope. It wouldn't appeal to me.

Maybe 'nice things' like suits, &c. Quality, sure, but not excess.
If you've got the means to enjoy every pleasure under the sun, why not do so?

What scares you about excess?

Why not just give in?

If you've got the means to enjoy every pleasure under the sun, why not do so?

What scares you about excess?

Why not just give in?

I'm an introvert, dude, excess isn't enjoyable.

Fundamentally, Deleted member 16771 wants sex, intimacy, cuddles, love, responsibility, challenge, an equal partner, power, respect, and intellectual freedom, not necessarily in that order (not an exhaustive list btw). Some sort of 'philosopher-king' with his 'philosopher-queen', that would be ideal.

WTF am I going to do with tons of money after a certain standard of living? It would be wasted on me, my friend.

Some people enjoy snorting coke out of hookers' buttcracks - give it to those guys!