One of my most favorite songs ever, Sir Pin.
To all my Northern Hemisphere fellows out there, to whom the first snows announce a time of depression and existential anxiety...
Worry not! Try to see the beauty in darkness, of the bright winter skies, at night, when all turns to pink and brown.
The green boughs, the earth smells, the rains and the damp rocks of spring will return soon enough.
Here is a beautiful album to remind you of such times.
Haha! I'm on the first one. This is catchy and sultry and sexy and I love it! It's a good jam to rock out to. I hear Spirit in the Sky in there. so fun!
Let's dance, Sass. Will you dance with me?.
Awww. *Swoons*I thought you'd never ask, Brit-Bit.
Of course I will! *spins you around and dips you*
Awww. *Swoons*
I feel like a princess.
But damn, Sass, from that angle, you look so beautiful. I mean, you always do. But, I see your eyes sparkle.'re so pretty.
Haha. Awww.
I wish I had known of them sooner. But everything in its time. This is perfect time.Funny story. @acd was the one who initially introduced me to Goldfrap waaaay back in the day, where we were dedicating songs to members. I became obsessed. Nice to see that it's catching! lol