What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

Returning to the topic, I was just listening to the radio and this song came on; I think it's appropriate in this context. Whatever I was, I was. Whatever I am, I am. If I am.

Ooh and now they're playing Jacques Brel's Amsterdam. :cheer:

Haha, thanks for this :) Nice song too, I rarely listen to that kind of music.

I actually started looking through my old photos to see if I can find more examples of pretension. Here's a pair of old photos that illustrates how to get from pretentious to normal in 5 minutes :blush: (although I still like facial hair.. sometimes)


Pls Pls share again! I missed it :biggrin:

(I love how we're being "the cool kids" here: instead of sharing photos on the Members' photos thread we're doing it on a music thread!)
I think I'm currently being the most Francocentric I've ever been. What's happening to me? I used to be nicer. :wink:

I doubt she wants to given my past as a pretentious French smoker ;)

Pfftttt. Past is the past! I still like you regardless :smile:

Even with this photo hahahaha

HP, this is the incriminated photo:


PS. It's not like you really asked for it but since I'm officially pretentious and "want to be adored" at this point, I don't care. :p
You can hear it indeed :) They've played loads of times in Ireland, some of my friends even met them. Sadly I was never able to attend.

Here's a post-metal song. Similar in vibes except more... metal. Might have linked this before.

lol wtf I was listening to this yesterday
This is actually mean.
Just because I'm lighthearted about it doesn't mean I've given you the right to judge me.
I'm sorry that I hurt you. I usually would explain myself here, but explainations are insignificant. If you want to, I'll delete it.