It brings the song to the mainstream but it also levels the artsy level a notch down. This is cool but I still prefer the raw one better.
The stuff you find in the dark corners of youtube recommendations...
Dude, join the bachelor already. Or the bachelorette. You'd make a fitting candidate.I simply can't imagine how horny you are right now.
She can move.
Flowzey, we should try some kind of DJ session thingy, because your track selection is tight.
Flowzey, we should try some kind of DJ session thingy, because your track selection is tight.
Hehe, thanks flowerHahah, such a fun idea.Thanks, music is just the best. ^-^ You've a great music taste as well!
Hehe, thanks flower. Wonder if a site/app exists where you could do like a follow up song with each-other or just people together and it would make a dj mix it for ya. A bit like the concept of Tik Tok where people match
each-other videos with another video, making it seem like one stream. Hmmmmm, could be an interesting app.