What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

I damn this oak!
I damn her sorrow!
I damn these oaken corridors!
That bear the ghosts of those I've thrown away!
Though tempted I am to caress her texture divine,
And taste her pain sweet, sweet like brandy wine;
I must burn these halls, these corridors,
And silence her shrill, tormenting voice
When all light has been lost, the candles have been lit, the myrrh is burning, the tea with cream is ready, and outside the wind howls and the snow flies something furious because...November in Minnesota...this, at volume, both comforts and summons that which shall not be named.

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When all light has been lost, the candles have been lit, the myrrh is burning, the tea with cream is ready, and outside the wind howls and the snow flies something furious because...November in Minnesota...this, at volume, both comforts and summons that which shall not be named.

Simply beautiful.
I love this one as well
Simply beautiful.
I love this one as well

Funny! I meant to post that too, but I got distracted and screwed the pooch.

If I posted this before, my apologies.

Grateful Dead - Lakeland Florida, May 21, 1977 (Dicks Picks #29)
Scarlet Begonias -> Fire On the Mountain

At the 5m 22s mark of Begonias, I can get positively lost in the music. Transition to Fire is wonderful.

ALVIN LEE was one of the greatest...ever.

"Phonatacid" by: AFX
