What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

I think when someone hates something that many love, it usually says more about them than the music itself. Possibly some issue they have or some quality they lack.

I’ve got a real fondness for some of the pop songs from the summer of 2018 because when I was in the hospital, still almost fully paralyzed, they were the only thing to get me out of my bed and my head. At that point my body was mangled, but my musical heart was untouched. I couldn’t choose what I heard, so I enjoyed what I had.

how could such a simple song become a massive hit?

well, here are the definitions of the key song elements:


and here’s (in part) why that song works—go study!


now apply what you’ve learned to (at least) a dozen more hit songs in the Green Day catalog, and find out why Billie Joe Armstrong is the most underrated songwriter of the past 35 (!)* years, bar none.

*jfc, I’m old :p


edit: YouTube link replaced
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find out why Billie Joe Armstrong is the most underrated songwriter of the past 35 years

Nobody ever talks about the cleverness of the lyrics themselves, they are extremely layered across their albums while also being simple on the surface.
Nevermind the way in which they construct the music, which is also purposefully simplistic in a masterful way.

I don't like that video because it disrupts the song in overly dramatic ways though.

Their videos are kind of hilarious because they just make whatever they feel like at the time.
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