Ok08Y567gA Permanent Fixture MBTI INTJ Enneagram 549 Jan 10, 2023 #9,062 A Glimpse of The Dionysian in American Musical History:
Ok08Y567gA Permanent Fixture MBTI INTJ Enneagram 549 Jan 11, 2023 #9,065 In my past life I was a flower child, a child of the sun, getting stoned and tripping out at Woodstock 69 dancing like an ancient shaman and wild fiend with his freak flag flying high in a field.
In my past life I was a flower child, a child of the sun, getting stoned and tripping out at Woodstock 69 dancing like an ancient shaman and wild fiend with his freak flag flying high in a field.
Wyote |⍬ꋊ3| Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Jan 12, 2023 #9,068 So hyped for VNV Nation's new album dropping next month. Until then, I must revisit this masterpiece of an album Last edited: Jan 12, 2023
So hyped for VNV Nation's new album dropping next month. Until then, I must revisit this masterpiece of an album
Jexocuha Cave Ghost MBTI INFJ Enneagram 4w5 Jan 18, 2023 #9,071 "Somewhere In The World" by: Swing Out Sister
Wyote |⍬ꋊ3| Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Jan 18, 2023 #9,072 We The Heathens - Heres To The Mayans
Ok08Y567gA Permanent Fixture MBTI INTJ Enneagram 549 Jan 19, 2023 #9,074 Yoh Asakura said: Click to expand... Better quality audio:
Wyote |⍬ꋊ3| Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Jan 19, 2023 #9,076 Dear Fellow Traveller · Sea Wolf