What are you Thinking?

I love this question. Here's why:

Other person:What are you thinking?
Other person:Liar.
Other person:Tell me.
Me:I was thinking about the grocery store. When everyone is pushing around their buggies. And it kinda is like traffic, only not as deadly. And there are slow people in the middle of the aisle sometimes, and you want to run them over. That would be frowned upon, I guess. Also, there's always music, in the store, but it's never good, like it is in the car. Unless you're in someone else's car, then the music always sucks. And that got me thinking about listening to KidzBop songs with the Munchkin in the car. He made us listen to "Funkytown" ninety-seven times in a row. Ok, not quite ninety-seven. Maybe ninety-six. But the funny thing was, he thought it was "Monkeytown." So he kept singing "ah-won't you take me to monkeyTOWN?" Which could not be remedied, I tried. Anyway, yeah, I was just thinking about the grocery store.
Other person: *blink* huh?

Won't you take me to, Monkey Town???:m076: LMAOF!!!
I love this question. Here's why:

Other person:What are you thinking?
Other person:Liar.
Other person:Tell me.
Me:I was thinking about the grocery store. When everyone is pushing around their buggies. And it kinda is like traffic, only not as deadly. And there are slow people in the middle of the aisle sometimes, and you want to run them over. That would be frowned upon, I guess. Also, there's always music, in the store, but it's never good, like it is in the car. Unless you're in someone else's car, then the music always sucks. And that got me thinking about listening to KidzBop songs with the Munchkin in the car. He made us listen to "Funkytown" ninety-seven times in a row. Ok, not quite ninety-seven. Maybe ninety-six. But the funny thing was, he thought it was "Monkeytown." So he kept singing "ah-won't you take me to monkeyTOWN?" Which could not be remedied, I tried. Anyway, yeah, I was just thinking about the grocery store.
Other person: *blink* huh?

I love this question. Here's why:

Other person:What are you thinking?
Other person:Liar.
Other person:Tell me.
Me:I was thinking about the grocery store. When everyone is pushing around their buggies. And it kinda is like traffic, only not as deadly. And there are slow people in the middle of the aisle sometimes, and you want to run them over. That would be frowned upon, I guess. Also, there's always music, in the store, but it's never good, like it is in the car. Unless you're in someone else's car, then the music always sucks. And that got me thinking about listening to KidzBop songs with the Munchkin in the car. He made us listen to "Funkytown" ninety-seven times in a row. Ok, not quite ninety-seven. Maybe ninety-six. But the funny thing was, he thought it was "Monkeytown." So he kept singing "ah-won't you take me to monkeyTOWN?" Which could not be remedied, I tried. Anyway, yeah, I was just thinking about the grocery store.
Other person: *blink* huh?

LOL. You can sit here right next to me.
Youhemmein, that was brilliant! hahaahaha
Oh I had a similar such conversation with my nutbag ex-boss not too long ago:

*I'm sitting in my cubicle, kinda staring at my desk*
Nutbag: So how are you doing, Pierce?
Me: Ok I guess. Just brooding a bit.
Nutbag: Oh. Brooding about what?
Me: Remember 2 weeks ago when I prepared the documents for that account update, and I copied the ID's from the previous version, and it turned out that the previous version was done incorrectly, and you said that I should have looked up the ID's in their personal profile to double check instead of relying on the previous documents?
Nutbag: Oh yes, that.
Me: I was brooding over that [because she blamed me for the error. Nobody would reconcile against the personal profile, it would be generally seen as overzealous].
Nutbag: Oh.

Anyhow, I generally wouldn't ask somebody so directly what they're thinking about or how they're feeling. I usually say "so how's it going?". Some people understand that I mean that genuinely, and not as a polite question. Sometimes I'll follow it up with "so how is everything?" and most people will see that that translates into "I'm interested to hear about how everything's going, what you're thinking/feeling etc.".
Actually, most people who ask this question really don't care what you're thinking about. They want to know why you appear to be "ignoring them" in your inimitably introverted way. What they are really saying is "pay attention to me!"
Most people complain about being misunderstood and then they complain when someone gives them an opportunity to be understood.

Just can't win.
Most people complain about being misunderstood and then they complain when someone gives them an opportunity to be understood.

Just can't win.

I think the issue is more people don't really want to hear what we are thinking. They want to know something specific but refuse to ask.
A lot of times the conflict is internal and they do not realize it.
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I love this question. Here's why:

Other person:What are you thinking?
Other person:Liar.
Other person:Tell me.
Me:I was thinking about the grocery store. When everyone is pushing around their buggies. And it kinda is like traffic, only not as deadly. And there are slow people in the middle of the aisle sometimes, and you want to run them over. That would be frowned upon, I guess. Also, there's always music, in the store, but it's never good, like it is in the car. Unless you're in someone else's car, then the music always sucks. And that got me thinking about listening to KidzBop songs with the Munchkin in the car. He made us listen to "Funkytown" ninety-seven times in a row. Ok, not quite ninety-seven. Maybe ninety-six. But the funny thing was, he thought it was "Monkeytown." So he kept singing "ah-won't you take me to monkeyTOWN?" Which could not be remedied, I tried. Anyway, yeah, I was just thinking about the grocery store.
Other person: *blink* huh?
