What are your biggest fears and how do you overcome them?

=/ I have alot of things I fear...
Fire ants - I'm allergic. - Wear covered shoes when I'm out and about in the grass, etc. Carry an epi pen.
Wasps - got stung and went unconcious when I was a kid. Don't know if that means I'm allergic. - Turn around, and walk slowly away.
Walking alone at night. - Don't walk alone at night unless I have a pocket knife on me and my cell phone in a well lit area. Doesn't matter how well I know a street. If theres not enough lights, I'm not going.
Driving... - I drive with my brother in the car.
Relapse - I do alot of things for this...
My kids not remembering who I am when I go see them - call, send videos of myself, pictures, presents, visit when I can, etc.
Losing my loved ones - It's inevitable... but I still fear it.
Think those are the big ones...
Not finding the connections I want. In the end it's a trivial thing to worry about, since I have plenty of things to work on. Still...
A state of anti-intimacy
My biggest fear is not being able to take care of myself..
needing help from others or depending on them...
I think that you lose autonomy that way.

How do I overcome that?
Working, planning...saving...(I've actually not really overcome it.)
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Fear of failure is a big one for me, specifically failing someone I care about. It's one thing if I screw myself over, but I cannot have someone else harmed because of me. As for dealing with it, I try to tell myself that it's okay to fail, and for the little things it is, but it's failing on the big ones that terrifies me. I got just a taste of that a year or so ago, and that took me months to overcome. To really crash and burn... I'd rather not think about it.
non existence. its a fear i keep meandering around and never really face.
certain medical conditions. . there are some things my vanity will not allow ad I would prefer the untimate consequence. .
loneliness. . I am working on this in thereapy. .
bees. . .I just stay away from them . .
except for probably ghosts/supernatural beings, i'm not scared of things that could *potentially* happen. i'm only scared of the things happening now that i haven't been able to overcome yet.

i'm afraid of my mind and heart, of the hellish feelings im capable of having.
i'm afraid i'll never find stability in my anxiety or be able to function properly in society again.
i'm afraid of being lonely.
I'm afraid of the world, has it gone mad?!
As long as crime, war, poverty exist, we're still at the early stages of what we call "civilization", my fear's the necessity to live the "civilised lie" for the sake of conformity, security, to me, the problem stems more from the structure, and environment, rather than the population, a change in the environment results in a change in people attitudes(perception).

I understand I can't change the system, I'd have to adapt instead, still, I'd like to think of potential as limitless, I'm not afraid of limits, but of been limited to express only that which the mass hypnosis(media) has permitted.

The ST solution's to play by the rules, and gain you're own independence(basically, get money, live free).
Hmmm...another of my fears:

I'm always fearing this situation when I'm driving around.

My biggest fear is a fear of falling, and I haven't really over come it. Then again I guess it's one of the two everyone is born with.
Oh, I have a lot of fears, not going to go through them though.

Trypophobia, though, anyone heard of it?
I get nauseous just thinking about it.
I guess my fear is pretty similar, in regards to not being figured out/ reaching my potential. I fear not being able to find someone to share my feeings and knowledge with, there's just so much of it... it's kind of overbearing to others. I have, however, been lucky enough to have a family member that is very much like me.
^ From other fear thread.

Other fears...

People/socializing - Have some social anxiety, even though been working on it for a good while now.
Airplanes (I've been on plenty of them; I just hate taking off)
Dying without being able to say goodbye to my family
Losing my temper... I fear what I may do if my principles, family, or innocence(of others) is threatened.
This one is really weird... sometimes when I look up at the sky I fear I will be sucked upward into it.
i'm afraid of feeling anxiety, and things that can spark it include: my parents, going outside, awkwardness, being around people who are in some position of power over me, fear of being worse than everyone else in a room in some way that isn't cute or funny, conflict, tiredness/sleepyness, being sad, being frustrated, being unprepared

note that these things in themselves don't scare me... but the anxiety is scary because the panic can lead to suicidal thoughts, isolation, avoidance...
Hrm. My only real fears: 1) someone I am close to thinking I am an idiot, boring, and...small (not physically), and 2) never settling into a fulfilling & stable career for myself. I am deathly afraid of always having to worry about money and being emotionally discontent.

Continual interaction with friends/family seems to disperse this fear, but that takes anywhere from a handful of months to a few years. It's just a matter of erasing bad memories and building confidence, nourishing my starved Fe has helped a lot. The second one I can't really do anything about for a while, so it's getting stuck on my mental "Pending assignments" whiteboard.
I fear I may be numb to fear. All it takes is a nearby lightning strike to make me feel vulnerable, though; small, in a vast domain of life and death. I read where I should fear God, but I love God.
My biggest fear is failure, you think I would be used to it by now, but facing it on a constant basis has only made me more bitter. I'm not entirely sure how to overcome it, but the prospect of success does not outweigh the reality of failure.

What else do I fear? Stupidity on my behalf, usually that sends me heading towards my cave when I realize that my intellect is not on par with others around me, especially with those younger than myself or of similar age with qualifications to prove it. That to me is worse than death itself.
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