What are your thoughts on time?

I don't like to think about time like that. It makes me anxious. Like when I try to understand things like aerospace engineering and how anyone ever even figured all that shit out. And space - thinking about the vastness of it. ...gotta stop thinking about it...
I am incline to believe, as far as time travel goes, the future already exists therefore it would be impossible to change anything. Everything that is going to happen has already happened, just not yet. Which is why I think the film Los cronocr
I don't like to think about time like that. It makes me anxious. Like when I try to understand things like aerospace engineering and how anyone ever even figured all that shit out. And space - thinking about the vastness of it. ...gotta stop thinking about it...
Interesting! My dad is an INFJ and we've had some pretty good discussions, he says the exact same thing as you, and while he can keep up the discussion -- he states that he doesnt like to think about things like that because it makes him anxious. He is more inclined to view things in terms of spirituality than science. It's probably why we don't talk about things like that very often.

I imagine for one who is inclined to view certain concepts as pure abstraction (spirituality), this can be unnerving.
I don't like to think about time like that. It makes me anxious. Like when I try to understand things like aerospace engineering and how anyone ever even figured all that shit out. And space - thinking about the vastness of it. ...gotta stop thinking about it...

I agree, I can't think about it, it just wigs me out too much and I start to loose presence of my own being, kinda like ego-death. I'm content to not understanding. What ever it is, I have lived and can continue to live without a deeper knowledge on it.