What are your turn-offs?

Isn't the fact that we have turn offs, selfish,arrogant and insensitive to others by it's very nature??

Not at all.
If you didn't dislike anyone then you wouldn't like anyone. It's perfectly natural to have things that turn you off- there are reasons for those turn-offs. And how else are you gonna choose a mate? Pull names out of a hat?

p.s. you are SUCH an INFP. hehe
But preference is subjective value.
I am not suggesting it is immoral or wrong to have preferernce or standards.
But that by it's subjective nature, is in fact a selfish act. and when it is applied does not take into account the possible senistivites of the person who is not meeting those standards.

I have subjective standards (Fi)
I am trying to learn to love myself despite the fact I am selfish and insensitive to some.
Good and bad, Right and wrong, these are my mental blocks to a world of simply,what is, without a "value" placed on everything.
Just my own personal quest for objectivity
and not a judgment on anyone else..

Well TECHNICALLY there is no such thing as an altruistic act, everything every person does is essentially selfish, we are all survivalists, it is our nature- no it is NATURE.
But they are talking about people who are overly self-centered, who do not receive any positive feelings in doing things for others, etc. It's really not that hard to understand....do I really need to explain that more?

Good luck with your quest.
But that by it's subjective nature, is in fact a selfish act. and when it is applied does not take into account the possible senistivites of the person who is not meeting those standards.

I disagree, I didn't wake up one day and think, hmm I want to be interested in this type of person. I didn't have a choice in what I was attracted to. Many homosexuals use this same argument when people who are not gay believe they made a choice to be gay. I didn't make a choice to prefer brunettes over blonds, it is just that way.

Instead, I believe that your actions based upon preferences can be selfish if you make them that way. But it is not selfish to acknowledge yourself.
Well TECHNICALLY there is no such thing as an altruistic act, everything every person does is essentially selfish, we are all survivalists, it is our nature- no it is NATURE.
But they are talking about people who are overly self-centered, who do not receive any positive feelings in doing things for others, etc. It's really not that hard to understand....do I really need to explain that more?

Good luck with your quest.

One of my old roommates shared your perspective. I personally do believe in altruism, although it may not fit your definition.

I do things because I want other people to be happy. I thought that it may be guilt and that I could "make up" for something, but that isn't it. I just simply like people to be happy.

If I did something nice, you could say that my motivation was that I feel better when other people are happy, but isn't that what altruism is? If I want to help victims in a disaster or overcome oppression, what is the motivation?

Many times when I would try to help someone else, and they showed a negative response, I was very hurt and I often thought there was something wrong with me, that I needed to change something so that I could be better.

I am hyper-sensitive to other people, I constantly wonder what they think, this was part of why my social anxiety developed.

That doesn't mean that I am ALWAYS altruistic by any means, but I do feel that I have altrusitic tendencies. This is another reason that I am taken advantage of often and I am sort of OK with that.

Please feel free to debate this though, I am interested to learn more.
Well TECHNICALLY there is no such thing as an altruistic act, everything every person does is essentially selfish, we are all survivalists, it is our nature- no it is NATURE.
But they are talking about people who are overly self-centered, who do not receive any positive feelings in doing things for others, etc. It's really not that hard to understand....do I really need to explain that more?

Good luck with your quest.
Thank you.. as long as you now there is a difference

As you might imgaine.I have been accused of being selfish by the very act of selfishness in another.
When people understand that we are all just trying to "survive"
it takes some of the pressure off that I place on myself to be perfect to their standards, and my own.

There is a method to my madness
Liars, Decievers And manipulaters.

And people who just REFUSE to see the truth EVEN if its sitting right the fuck in front of them.

I fucking despise people who do that and end up hurting me and others.:m064:
Why so much change?

Ahh its not really a change, only I have more knowledge and therefore made new opinions accordingly. :/ Sounds so cynical, although I must admit my Walmart and US psychiatry perceptions have undergone a kind of metamorphosis...

I think I will make a thread on it :) Because quite a few have asked me similar questions.
Close mindedness
Low Intellect
Lack of Originality
Lack of Personal Drive
Lack of affection of emotionally devoid
Lack of compassion
-Negative about everything
-Lack of Intellect
-Trailer Trash
-Mentality of an 8 year old
-Emotionally Distant
- General Stupidity
- lacking desire to grow and to learn
- Bad body odor. I'm sorry, but I'm weak against scents, both bad and good ones, for different reasons.
- Machismo
- overabundance of something
- Materialistic / lives within the material world
Sexually aggressive
Aggressive in general
Narrow minded
One of my old roommates shared your perspective. I personally do believe in altruism, although it may not fit your definition.

I do things because I want other people to be happy. I thought that it may be guilt and that I could "make up" for something, but that isn't it. I just simply like people to be happy.

If I did something nice, you could say that my motivation was that I feel better when other people are happy, but isn't that what altruism is? If I want to help victims in a disaster or overcome oppression, what is the motivation?

Many times when I would try to help someone else, and they showed a negative response, I was very hurt and I often thought there was something wrong with me, that I needed to change something so that I could be better.

I am hyper-sensitive to other people, I constantly wonder what they think, this was part of why my social anxiety developed.

That doesn't mean that I am ALWAYS altruistic by any means, but I do feel that I have altrusitic tendencies. This is another reason that I am taken advantage of often and I am sort of OK with that.

Please feel free to debate this though, I am interested to learn more.

Altruism is NOT being happy when you make other people happy. Altruism is doing something for other people when you receive ABSOLUTELY no benefit. When you do something for someone because it makes you happy your benefit is that happy feeling you get. So NO- that is not altruism. However, I would just call you "a good person", because you enjoy helping and being good to other people.
But....the fact that you clearly have such a need for approval from others is probably the main factor in why you try so hard to make them happy. Perhaps you should work on these people-pleasing tendencies, and find out why you are so insecure and need approval and positive reinforcement from others so badly. I mean, we all need it to some extent, but it is healthy to also have some from within.

I think that if you really analyze it, it is impossible to be altruistic, because we are survivalistic- and that is NATURE. If we weren't, we would not exist.
As social creatures it is in our interest to help each other- because it helps us in return, that's why we get that good feeling: because we are supposed to, and we are TOLD we are supposed to, value that and do that.
So it's nothing to be sad about.
This is actually why I broke up with my ex- because even though he admitted that my logic was sound, he said he chose NOT to believe it (that there is no such thing as an altruistic act) because it was too depressing. I call that weakness and ignorance. I'd rather live in the real world, and be a good person despite the knowledge that I do it for myself. Because it is what I believe in.

Interesting thought:
In the Jataka Tales (stories of Buddha from his former lives before he was Siddhartha, before he was enlightened), Buddha threw himself off a cliff to die at the feet of a lioness (who was so hungry that she was about to eat her cubs) so that she could eat him. Was that altruism? He sacrificed himself, and he knew he would die and, therefore, would not be able to enjoy the feeling of goodness. However, he also knew he would be reincarnated as a something better for doing this. So, even Buddha wasn't an altruist? Or was he? I brought this up in a debate about this subject, even though it's a story, I thought it was interesting. ^_^ )

Thank you.. as long as you now there is a difference

As you might imgaine.I have been accused of being selfish by the very act of selfishness in another.
When people understand that we are all just trying to "survive"
it takes some of the pressure off that I place on myself to be perfect to their standards, and my own.

There is a method to my madness

haha. I see. Well said.

I'd have to go with....

Also: I noticed this in the beginning Q and thought I'd answer:
Smoking for me is not a "turn-on", but it isn't a deal breaker.
I don't personally smoke, ever, and I don't like it, and I think it's terribly unhealthy...but for some reason it doesn't bother me enough to be a "turn-off". Hm.
people who think they know you and believe they have you figured out, so they don't take time to get to know you.