What Books Are You Currently Reading? (Part 2)

Personality Type -- An Owner"a Manual By Lenore Thompson

Tidy little number, thoroughly enjoying thus far.

Like it says on the back, From the big bang to the rise of civilization.
I'm reading "Black Beauty" by Anna Sewell. Wow wow wow wow wow. At times like this I think that literature is the only thing redeeming humans from monstrosity. Simultaneously thinking that nothing can redeem humans, we can't learn, we're totally lost.
The Geneva Strategy

Looks like one of those foreshadowing books, to me, like clock-tower one about A&M. Cept I don't kill innocent people... follow the money and organs and whatever you people need anymore before we stop fucking around.

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
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Mark of a Dragonfly. which i can't seem to move further than 2 chapters. May change to The Lost Symbols.
Cloudstreet -- Tim Winton
I'm currently reading War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
It's a big fat book with 1400 pages and countless characters. I hope to finish it in a month from now.
Film directing: shot by shot, by Steven D. Katz
The Restless Dead, by Simon Beckett (the americanised spelling threw me off it for a few weeks, I think I'll continue it very soon)
I casi del Commissario Nicoletti (learning Italian with crime fiction)
Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale (something familiar for accumulating a proper fantasy-themed vocabulary)
Beloved by Morrison

I'm not a novel reader generally, so I take lit classes to force some arbitrary reading goals and deadlines. I'm overdue for some Morrison reads.
Adam Nergal Darski: Confessions of a Heretic-the Sacred and the profane: Behemoth and Beyond

"Confessions of a Heretic is the forthright and erudite memoir of the frontman and driving force behind the Polish heavy metal group Behemoth, currently at the top of their game following the success of The Satanist. Presented as a series of interrogations by friends and associates, the book reveals a complex man of great contrast - a health-conscious, highly personable intellectual known for his extreme views and even more extreme music - lifting the lid on everything from his clashes with the Polish Catholic church to his recent battle with leukaemia."

(He's an influence of mine in many ways as an individual, an artist, his views, some similarities of his life and mine, and we even sort of look similar in appearance, which has been pointed out to me by a friend of mine not so long ago. I have observed that there are so many that have their own perception of different people for many different reasons. Adam is no different, nor am I, nor have I observed anyone else in such similar ways, as anyone would for their own personal preferences or reason. For me, it's quite good. It allows for a bit more in-depth understanding of someone of influences that I do see much of myself in, in Self-reflection, in a several ways. One of those humans I would be honored to meet and shake his hand and say thank you, if nothing else...but, I have communicated with him briefly online, which I was ecstatic and slightly giddy afterwards...lol. It's the little things that sometimes mean so much.)
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. Taking quite some time but thoroughly enjoying it.