MindYourHead Courage doesn't always roar. MBTI INFJ Enneagram 4w5 Jul 24, 2009 #21 I had a feeling before taking the test, this would be the result.
Ragnarkisten Regular Poster MBTI ---- Enneagram --- Mar 19, 2011 #25 without taking the test, i would make a guess for a mongrel bitch. Or perhaps nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time... Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
without taking the test, i would make a guess for a mongrel bitch. Or perhaps nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time...
H headache Community Member MBTI . Enneagram . Mar 19, 2011 #26 Ragnarkisten said: without taking the test, i would make a guess for a mongrel bitch Click to expand... :jaw:
Ragnarkisten said: without taking the test, i would make a guess for a mongrel bitch Click to expand... :jaw:
TomarctusHU Community Member MBTI INfJ Enneagram 9(w1) Mar 19, 2011 #28 "My own country.. with no morons.. I'de have plenty of room to roam and be happy." -> Oh yeah! XD Doberman
"My own country.. with no morons.. I'de have plenty of room to roam and be happy." -> Oh yeah! XD Doberman