What color is your Aura?

Your aura is: Red

A red aura is one high in energy, which shows that you may have some unresolved anger or fear. However, it also shows that you have a lot of strength and passion, which will help you resolve any conflicts. This passion can be in relation to romance as well, as a red aura signifies that love is an important factor in your life.

Yeah, I bet you chose this based on that one question I answered u dum ass ho
Your aura is: Red

A red aura is one high in energy, which shows that you may have some unresolved anger or fear. However, it also shows that you have a lot of strength and passion, which will help you resolve any conflicts. This passion can be in relation to romance as well, as a red aura signifies that love is an important factor in your life.

Yeah, I bet you chose this based on that one question I answered u dum ass ho

Whaaaa?! Who you calling a ho!

i was red first time.. now i'm yellow

Your aura is: Yellow

You are optimistic and intelligent, with a friendly, creative presence. A yellow aura signifies that you are full of life and energy, an inspiring and playful person. You may be on the brink of a new awakening, close to finding new meaning in your current life.
Your aura is: Green

You are a compassionate person, full of healing and peacekeeping capabilities. Very close to nature, a green aura is a healthy one, full of growth and balance. You have a love for living things and seek to change the world for the better.
I'm not doing these tests, I hate these tests, but I have been told that my principle auric colour is orchid, whatever that is. I've got a chart of all my aura colour as this woman 'saw' them at that particular time... even though were weren't even in the same room at the time!