What constitutes a good life?

Spiritual Leo

On Holiday
This is a very interesting philisophical question and I would love to hear your own opinion.

So, what constitutes a good life???
In my opinion, a good life has many layers depending on who you are. We decide certain things from the beginning that we consider a good life. And I personally think we all try to achieve this certain goal beneath the surface. I'm interested as well what constitutes a good life for others.

For me in the simplest form I would say...
To grow as an individual, grow with your family, your friends, people, and to learn to accept each person as they are. Doesn't mean I have to agree, but I think you get the idea.
To have healthy food on the table everyday, to have quality time, to cherish every moment.
To conquer your fears, catch your dreams, learn something new everyday/improve something you know.
To be able to give your family a bright future whichever way they decide to go.
To die an old age with wrinkles and all. But also to accept death if it happens to come early, and not to be afraid of what's after death.
To accept yourself in all forms as beautiful.
To love unconditionally, enjoy the world... plants, stars, architecture, technology, history, cultures, etc. etc. etc.
To make a mark on the world, big or small.
To be open to new experiences, whether it be a new dish, or a new hobby.
To nurture your inner child when need be.
To have focus, purpose, goals.
To take risks, make mistakes, fall down, get sick, break a bone, trip and play it off, not be so serious all the time.
To allow yourself to feel all emotions and have good outlets for each.
To make something familiar/routine new/fresh as if you're learning it again for the first time when it feels unfulfilling.
To teach your children how to grow as individuals themselves, to love, to share, to disagree, etc.
To not forget how to live in the moment.

....The list can go on and on but I'll just leave it at that.
A good life, for me, would be: stay healthy in every sense. You feel good physically through exercise, eating right, and plenty of sleep. You'll always be dealing with stressful situations, so it's unrealistic for me to say no stress. But, it is how we deal with the stress that matters. So, secondly, I would say to be spiritual. It doesn't matter if your atheist or not, we all have a spiritual sense on some level. Wether you associate yourself with a certain religious faith, or you simply meditate, it's coming in-touch with your spiritual side. We all need to be more spiritual, whichever way you achieve that, in order to deal with everyday stress. Those are 2 most important for me to be happy.

No cigarettes would be nice too though! xD
In my opinion, a good life has many layers depending on who you are. We decide certain things from the beginning that we consider a good life. And I personally think we all try to achieve this certain goal beneath the surface. I'm interested as well what constitutes a good life for others.

For me in the simplest form I would say...
To grow as an individual, grow with your family, your friends, people, and to learn to accept each person as they are. Doesn't mean I have to agree, but I think you get the idea.
To have healthy food on the table everyday, to have quality time, to cherish every moment.
To conquer your fears, catch your dreams, learn something new everyday/improve something you know.
To be able to give your family a bright future whichever way they decide to go.
To die an old age with wrinkles and all. But also to accept death if it happens to come early, and not to be afraid of what's after death.
To accept yourself in all forms as beautiful.
To love unconditionally, enjoy the world... plants, stars, architecture, technology, history, cultures, etc. etc. etc.
To make a mark on the world, big or small.
To be open to new experiences, whether it be a new dish, or a new hobby.
To nurture your inner child when need be.
To have focus, purpose, goals.
To take risks, make mistakes, fall down, get sick, break a bone, trip and play it off, not be so serious all the time.
To allow yourself to feel all emotions and have good outlets for each.
To make something familiar/routine new/fresh as if you're learning it again for the first time when it feels unfulfilling.
To teach your children how to grow as individuals themselves, to love, to share, to disagree, etc.
To not forget how to live in the moment.

....The list can go on and on but I'll just leave it at that.

Yes, I completely agree with you with all of this. Personally, I think self-respect, an active imagination, and an adventurous nature constitutes a good life... That's really just a summary of yours. lol But I believe those three are most important.
Health conscious people make me giggle. I guess because my health is shot by an autoimmune disease that sends my health way out into left field - its just not something I worry too much about anymore. I eat what I want, and I do what I want to do because life is short, and I want to enjoy it while I'm here. But I totally understand what you're saying - and as far as taking care of oneself goes, I believe that is important. A good life to me constitutes being surrounded by family and friends, receiving and expressing LOVE. Being passionate about waking up every day and doing something that inspires you and others, too, even if only in some small way. And growing into the person you were designed to be - spiritually, and mentally.

"You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions. Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not.
i read this really funny thing once by some crazy old philosopher about the good life. it said all this bullshit in it about how the good life can not include suffering. and some really amusing very specific things like "don't drink to excess cause that's bad but you have to drink a little bit because if you don't everyone will think you're a prude".
To be able to enjoy the fruits of my labors and enjoy the love of my friends.
Was the world a better place for you having been here?
a good life, to me, is:
feeling loved and safe and valid
To have done your best to grow in mind/heart/spirit, and help grow the world and people around you.

:D This!

Since I'm older than dirt :tongue1: - I have come to realize it's all about learning how to love unconditionally.
The more I have of it in my life - whether it be people I like or dislike - whether it be my circumstances I like or dislike
- being able to accept things as they are and see love - is what I define as a Good Life.

Some may view this as a spiritual path. [shrug] I don't know if it is and I don't need to label it as such.
Yet it is a walk along a path strewn with opportunities to stumble and learn.

A Good Life would include the chance to walk along one's path...to not be trapped or stuck in one place...unable to take the journey.
:D This!

Since I'm older than dirt :tongue1: - I have come to realize it's all about learning how to love unconditionally.
The more I have of it in my life - whether it be people I like or dislike - whether it be my circumstances I like or dislike
- being able to accept things as they are and see love - is what I define as a Good Life.

Some may view this as a spiritual path. [shrug] I don't know if it is and I don't need to label it as such.
Yet it is a walk along a path strewn with opportunities to stumble and learn.

A Good Life would include the chance to walk along one's path...to not be trapped or stuck in one place...unable to take the journey.

good stuff :)
Learning to be the most content self in whatever circumstances I face makes life better if not good. A good life means being content, and happy. Less focus on what you must strive to have or get. Right now, having a home, family, and the chance to go at my own pace and take things as they come rather than worrying about them ahead of time puts me on a path to a good life.
What constitutes a good life is up to the individual. But, typically, a good life includes doing good for others, being ethical and caring, being productive and having a purpose in life. Strive for experiences rather than things.
The unfolding and expression of my potential; as well as finding a path to that which is beyond my Self.
carpe diem

enjoy the simple things...life is short...recognize and enjoy those times in the sun, but prepare for the storm because it will come...don't let the winds thrash you around

be content

above all respect and love God

learn all of this while you are young...don't wait until you're old ;)