In Ghoulia Yelps's defense, INFJs and INFPs are typically cast as wise, dreamy or thoughtful, and blue eyes have a dreamy, "Im looking at the sky.... deep in thought.... lalala...." quality because they reflect the color of the sky.
For me, the most prominent people typed as INFJ are Mandela, MLK Jr and Gandhi -- all of whom have brown or hazel eyes, but kind and wise faces, and winning smiles. I don't know what color Chomsky's eyes are. J. K. Rowling's eyes are blue. Celebs INFJs eye color seems random.
Jared Ledo in Mr. Nobody is a great example of an INFJ, but I'm not sure Ledo is actually human. His eyes definitely add to the film. In general his giant, blue eyes remind me of Luna Lovegood, INFP, though.
Maybe Tyler Durden in an INFJ? Blue eyes, too, but probably accidental in this case. (And Ledo is in that movie, too.)