What do INFPs think of INFJs?

I can be pretty sappy at times...but I can be a serious no nonsense conversationalist as well....I'm not like typical INFPs in the shyness thing...I'm really confident...I like to explore ideas and link them...I can be very hard and strong-willed...opposing the soft INFP characteristic... while my surroundings can be messy at times...I prefer clean and ordered settings...and take my time to arrange things when I feel the need...
I've got a lot of control over myself....I am a mostly relaxed and "do it at the last minute" kind of person....but I can take responsibility if I will
plus...my MBTI scores are something like 50/50 at times...and I got INFp in the socionics test...which is actually the same as INFJ in MBTI
So basically, it puts me into lots and lots of confusion sometimes....One thing I'm sure of is that at least my "basic" type is INFP.
That's great...we can be good at hiding feelings and happenings.....I'm an ultra-secretive person...little is known of what I hide inside....even by my closest friends and relatives

I think INFP and INFJ are both private but for different reasons. This would be a good topic for a new thread.
Yeah!!!!!!! Finally....confirmed what I thought....
Your Type
Introvert(11%) iNtuitive(38%) Feeling(25%) Perceiving(44)%
You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (11%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (44%) I knew I wasn't totally INFP and had many other characteristics