What do you like about your personality type

The pathological compulsion to defend scape goats and under dogs.
I enjoy my ability to just...know things. I enjoy my ability to be articulate (especially when written), and I enjoy my natural desire to help others and problem solve.

What can I say? I love myself and that's the truth. There are things about me that I don't like, but I don't focus on those things. I focus on living life and doing what makes me happy.
I enjoy the ability to be stressed, yet still have the capacity to smile.
i love the heavy amount of guilt and shame that comes with the sensitive nature, its like, you can fuck up, but when you fuck up, the conscience comes back, and it comes back hard, a double edged sword i guess.

Lol, yes, I have a lot of guilt.
internally there are many things i love about my personality type, but on the outside of things - when i have to interact with the rest of the world - i expel a tremendous amount of energy on things other people take for granted, or don't even think about at all. i would really love to learn how to control that.

the best part for me is the ability to know things instinctively. to just know. and also that i can read people, especially photographs. this is really a helpful tool!
the worst thing is the isolation i feel. it can be very heavy and depressing.