What do you like the most about this life (living on earth)?


Regular Poster
For me, it is nature:<3green: … the only thing that I will miss when I leave this life would be nature … not only because it is inspiring but because it is the only place in the world that is completely peaceful, even when living beings (anything except human) are fighting for life, because they know the fighting rules 😎

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I love journey too🤩 ... what do you like about it? being away or discovering about new places/people?
I meant it metaphorically as well as literally - the journey of life. I love to experience whether for better or worse - it’s a most precious gift. It changes us profoundly and that is fascinating. It’s sobering to consider that of all the countless trillions of people who could possibly have been born but didn’t, I was chosen to live and experience and love. What a privilege!

I love actual journeys too. Every one is as much an inner as an outer, and I always come back changed. I’m not a frequent journeyer - for example we tend to holiday to a few favourite places. That makes the more adventurous travel very special for us. I love landscape - photography is one on my main hobbies - and we tend to go where there is both great scenery and interesting towns.
The opportunity given to be here.

But more specifically, engagement with the things of the world. Especially creatures, human and otherwise.

The moment of eye contact with touch is a kind of magic and reverence.

To earn trust and to honor that, in that moment time is still and I am living in accordance with that which nourishes me.

I love journeys to get away. Sometimes, I just want to get lost and be alone among strangers. Although since six years ago I have been completely convinced that "Wherever you go, the sky is the same color", nonetheless, there are places in the world that I really want to go to check my feelings toward them 🤗
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Too many things, that it's so overwhelming to try and qualify all. There's so much wonder and beauty in the world. I've sat on responding on this thread because any words I put here will still feel inadequate. A few, anyway:

Lightning - from storm clouds; but also that moment when struggling to find something - an answer, or that moment some missing puzzle piece lands perfectly in place - that electricity that winds through the brain in that moment of Eureka. Or that lightning that seems to strike when hearing a new song that hits a rare kind of sweet spot - a kind of realization that there is something amazing within my narrow cross-section of perceived Universe that I had no idea could even exist! It feels like the highest calling, to be able to create something, some art or writing or music that conjures forth that lightning for others.

Arriving at the walking loop at the park on a chilly, misty morning and observing that I have the place to myself, and then jogging the entire time with no human distractions. My thoughts and ideas blossom best in solitude, and I love being in the rain but not getting soaked. There is a rare kind of beauty that I think few others see in those kinds of cool, gray mornings.

Night swims on weeknights in the summer where the suburban sounds are a bit more muffled than they would be on weekends - tracking fireflies in the woods and listening to the sounds of katydids.

The way the sky looks at sunset when conditions are just perfect. Vibrant and bold red-orange. Pictures taken have never done it justice and always look nice but still washed and pale compared to the real reality. "You had to be there in that moment and see it with your own eyes" stuff.
Too many things, that it's so overwhelming to try and qualify all. There's so much wonder and beauty in the world. I've sat on responding on this thread because any words I put here will still feel inadequate. A few, anyway:

Lightning - from storm clouds; but also that moment when struggling to find something - an answer, or that moment some missing puzzle piece lands perfectly in place - that electricity that winds through the brain in that moment of Eureka. Or that lightning that seems to strike when hearing a new song that hits a rare kind of sweet spot - a kind of realization that there is something amazing within my narrow cross-section of perceived Universe that I had no idea could even exist! It feels like the highest calling, to be able to create something, some art or writing or music that conjures forth that lightning for others.

Arriving at the walking loop at the park on a chilly, misty morning and observing that I have the place to myself, and then jogging the entire time with no human distractions. My thoughts and ideas blossom best in solitude, and I love being in the rain but not getting soaked. There is a rare kind of beauty that I think few others see in those kinds of cool, gray mornings.

Night swims on weeknights in the summer where the suburban sounds are a bit more muffled than they would be on weekends - tracking fireflies in the woods and listening to the sounds of katydids.

The way the sky looks at sunset when conditions are just perfect. Vibrant and bold red-orange. Pictures taken have never done it justice and always look nice but still washed and pale compared to the real reality. "You had to be there in that moment and see it with your own eyes" stuff.

I was waiting for your response 🤗 and since you reacted to the main post early, I knew that you were thinking about it thoroughly to respond 🥰 ... all you described is just plain beauty ... moments that may happen to many people, but only a few are keen enough to understand its beauty and uniqueness ... I am delighted you shared and I am really grateful 😇
Besides cupcakes, pie, donuts w/coffee etc.
I mostly enjoy moments of true clarity and understanding.
Loving kindness is where I try to live.
It's a hard fought place to reside.
Besides cupcakes
Not for nothing, but a good cupcake (especially if it's mocha) could really cast lightning into the neurons!

Loving kindness is where I try to live.
It's a hard fought place to reside.
I agree with this too. Worth fighting for, I'd say. The views there are better than anywhere else, I think.
If I were to make a list, different things may reach the top on different days. Holding a woman that loves me makes everything better. The smell of rain is always nice. Watching deer feed late in the evening while knowing you are there is awesome. One of my favorite fish grilled
makes me feel really good. A somewhat cloudy sunrise on a cool morning with ducks flying is one of my favorite ways to start a day. There are just too many things I love to try and write it all down, let alone pick just one.

I remain thankful.
Going to a cemetery where loved ones lay
I sometimes get this feeling of blowing a trumpet
The monuments: almost countless
So many have passed this way

Olden rock and stone with green moss
Inching its way upward and around
Will someone ever visit me should I lie there
Or will anyone care

There is a certain feeling of dignity
Standing among those who passed before us
My friend, a Major General, who took us fishing
My brother who lived a day, a day of sorrow

The old granite entrance and exit
Both iron gates half destroyed
How will we pay to secure them
Who used to pay, I wonder

The mighty stone angel standing guard
Over someone who meant the world to them
All the old family names
Reminiscent of school and children learning together

I find such solace there, changing flowers with my wife
She promised my Mom to remember the baby's grave
We change her flowers, too
My spirit calls to them