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Well, I think there is a type if intellect that is logical...one thing leading to another...to me that is linear. No problem, but I'm afraid we can get too subsumed into this mode to the point that unequivical proof is needed for everything. Yes, we live in a scientific, technological age, but that is one modality that employs a certain perspective, point-of-view, or method for understanding truth.what do you mean by balance though? what is the balance to linear thought?
There is another mode of intellect, imo, that is more intuitive, connected to the nuances of this world, and able to jump into the current of things without grasping all the mechanics....or any of the mechanics for that matter. This is good, too. I am considering this a valid form of intelligence, not stupidity.
I would propose that our human capacities can, and in some cases have, becomes historically skewed off-axis. Either mode in excess can lead to a kind of paralysis. If humanity is to succeed in the millenia ahead I think we will have to grow to value both as intrisically human.
i'm not sure I understand at all what you are talking about. ? please elaborate.
My first thought related to those who do seek through belief. In many cases they (somehow) do find, or are led to find, or are given insight to find. Sometimes what we find is that the questions we initially posed were way off-base...sometimes we find that we come full circle to rediscover hidden depths within things we only thought we knew previously. From my experience I would say that things are never what we thought they would be going in. They are far more wondrous and far more deep.
The point is that, for those who seek...there is something to find. Somehow we are not left groping in the dark.
The second thought (not sure which needed clarification...likely both) goes like this: our preexisting concepts about God, and judgement, and rules, and rigidity, and definitions have come to us via very primary, childhood presentations designed to impart a basic sense of things on a level that kids can grasp. And it generally works...for kids. Trouble is...we don't stay kids, and we need to grow past the "old man in the beard sitting on his throne on high" idea of God. That step is frequently missing these days. It's not that it's not there...it is...it's just not presented to us because it is not the something the mind of a child (well, most children) can grasp for it's complexity and nuances...it really requires adult levels of awareness.
Sounds kinda spacey....but I've been intentionally at it for 40 years and I have seen and experienced alot. The wonderful irony is that given all the awe and centeredness and connection I have experienced within the realm of belief, I am still a doofus and I know it. It's' the wonderful way of things!!!
Here's a random thought....every been loved by someone so much that as a reflection of that love, you start to love yourself a bit more? That is how belief is...the Divine Love awakens things, possibilities, creativity in us that would not arise in and of ourselves. They come as reflections from the Divine Love. I wonder if human love is a hint at this cosmic principle.
Sorry if I'm talking in riddles again.

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