1) What does it mean for you when you say you "love" someone?
It means they have earned my highest level of respect and admiration. I try not to use the phrase "I love you" often because then people start to take it for granted and devalue it, so I make an effort to keep it rare and sacred. Things are so much more meaningful when they are earned. Seldom is it that people are grateful for the simple, honest things in life. (That's why I am grateful for having met Elf here. hehe.

I wish there were more people like him who put value on everything.)
I simly love people for having a fire in their spirit. I love how they are. I love how they have bad days, I love how they have amazing days. I just love them for them. I try to help them as much as possible when they go through bad days, because I can see the great potential they have and I don't want them to ever think they are worthless. I am the type of person that can fall in love with everyone as long as the other person is not PURE EVIL. -.-" This doesn't mean I let people walk all over me though. If they make poor decisions, I talk to them. I try to support them and get them through their tough times. I am stern when I have to be.
Once I love someone, it is meant to last. I do not give up on love. In a relationship it can be my weakness at times as the two times I have fallen in love, they both said they didn't love me as I loved them. One said I was obsessed, the other just didn't give me a chance to show my true self as we were going through hard times. I acted distant towards him, though, so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by my intensity. I guess I pushed him away too much.
What I have observed is people give up so easily. I hate that.
2) What do you understand love to mean when someone says they "love" you?
So far, honestly. I have not met anyone save one or two, who feel the type of love I feel. It is very sad.

I don't think I am perfect by any means, but when I hear what people define love as I worry and I wonder if maybe my expectations are too high.
It depends on who tells me they love me and what we have been through. This is where I am an INFJ and I go by what my intuition tells me when they say it. My parents don't tell me often that they love me, but I know they love me very much as do my siblings (even though we fight a lot). And my friends, I know they love me truly, and I love them. As for intimates, they have not loved me. They say "I love you" like the movies tell you to, but there was no substance there. I will keep searching.
I understand love to mean, "I am with you through your good times and your bad; I will respect you because you have earned my respect and deserve it; I love you for you even when I disagree, but when I see you are in trouble I will not let you fall without fighting for your well being; And I will be loyal in my love with you. True love knows no bounds when it is honest". This is love to me.