What does the avatar above you make you want to do?

Get out my paint brushes and oil paints.
sorry guys technical difficulties- my avatar is now in existence....

Makes me want to break the lock and let him out
I'm not downloading that thing and magnifying it, so what the heck is it?
I'm not downloading that thing and magnifying it, so what the heck is it?

lol that's the best part and the reason I choose it actually- I don't have a fucking clue, every time I look at it I think it's something different.
Found it on a site talking about images that make the heart stop....whatever that meant.
Today I guess it kinda looks like an emos graphic art of the globe. Possibly an obscure photograph of some kind of molecule engaging in mitosis or self destructing.
Today I guess it kinda looks like an emos graphic art of the globe. Possibly an obscure photograph of some kind of molecule engaging in mitosis or self destructing.

On closer examination I can see fine hairs on this unidentifiable specimen - somewhat resembles a dandelion....normally when I see one of these I can't help myself and give it a kick (errrmm....I mean a gentle caress) with my booties or I pick one and blow.....nice to watch them floating away but seconds later I feel bad for germinating someone's garden with weeds. Opps!
Go to my favorite island and walk the beach.
Take a walk with a cute dog.
Protect the innocence of children everywhere.
never run out of catnip
look somewhere else
Unlock the gate.
Makes me want to get to know her.

Hug my friend, then watch her blow bubbles again
hug a dog
take a dog surfing
Cuddle my Tibetan mastiffs =)
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Take a scientific submarine trip.