Jeffrei OneOneOne MBTI INFJ Enneagram 5w4 Nov 1, 2018 #967 Eh... I'm not sure. I think it makes me want to visit Maryland again.
Will Wintertime MBTI INXX Enneagram 4w5 Nov 1, 2018 #968 Makes me want to get a puppy or two, maybe three.
Will Wintertime MBTI INXX Enneagram 4w5 Nov 1, 2018 #971 Lay on some cool green grass and look up at the stars at night.
JennyDaniella Stargazer MBTI INFJ Enneagram 925 Nov 12, 2018 #973 Not sure if it’s a hawk or not. But makes me want to sing Amazing Grace or the National American Anthem. ‘MURICA
Not sure if it’s a hawk or not. But makes me want to sing Amazing Grace or the National American Anthem. ‘MURICA
flower ✿ Staff member Forum Greeter MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9w1 947 Nov 12, 2018 #974 Go to a hair salon.
Will Wintertime MBTI INXX Enneagram 4w5 Nov 12, 2018 #975 Fly in the sky at night, then softly land on a field of flowers.
Will Wintertime MBTI INXX Enneagram 4w5 Nov 16, 2018 #978 Hide out in a cabin on a snowy mountain while reading a book near a warm fireplace.
Wyote ⚂⚁ Staff member Administrator MBTI INFJ Enneagram 954 so/sx Nov 17, 2018 #979 Sneak around in the woods
Pin "Magnificent Bastard" / Ren's Counterpart MBTI ENTJ Enneagram 3w4, 3-8-7 Nov 20, 2018 #980 Make Mexico pay for it.