What Does The Future Look Like?

When I think of the future, I think less of what the future of what this world will be like and more of the next. More specifically; the place where we all go after we leave...here. Some call this ascension; the idea that we live many lifetimes until we have grown enough at a soul level through physical existence that we are at a place in our evolution where we no longer need to come here, but can exist in a higher level of vibration. One way to illustrate that idea is to look at the frequency spectrum of energy.
I think of that future being one where a lot of our earthly troubles have been worked out and are no longer existing; we get along, we value each other not only for the similarities but the stark differences. We look at everything from a perspective that is beyond our own egotistical self. I think that ultimately is our future. The future of earth is another story...earth will go on with or without us, it's how we choose our time here to be that determines our future. If you look at the media a lot; it seems that we are on the brink of destruction. The media being the fear projector that it is. Fear or Love...that is our choice. Which do we buy into? I know I've certainly bought into fear quite a bit in my life, but I try to choose love whenever I'm aware that the choice exists. Try to treat people kindly...strive toward the great good...do no harm.
I'm not sure if any of that makes much sense, perhaps another way to describe this is to forward everyone to one of my favorite videos...
We look at everything from a perspective that is beyond our own egotistical self
God I wish

The reality LostInTheForest, is that it's going to be like you describe it right up until we discover alien life, then the human race will collectively panic and throw all progress out the window and form the fascist government from starship troopers. I'm a trekkie, I want to believe it will all pan out but I can't imagine a scenario where we achieve first contact with an intelligent species and don't panic completely. I understand the people of the future would have to be a gentler breed if the human race has survived that long but we will never be infallible.
In the immediate future (all of our lifetimes), I see a rise in narcissism as resources become scarce. Already, people like the Bushes and T Boone Pickens have bought up the water supplies. Everyone will not only be drinking bottled water-- they'll be carrying oxygen tanks too. C-Pap machines are just the beginning... we'll start to see them during the day too, due to a combination of environmental air pollution and people growing too obese to breathe.

In the slightly farther future, I foresee autism becoming the new normal, and the normal people being medicated with psychotropic drugs so that they can interact with the autistic majority. Biometrics will rule everything, so people may display their IQ and SS# on their shirt as a name-tag. Like, we may be called #123-45-6789 instead of John Smith, which is just as well, because of all the people naming their kids ridiculous things. I think many languages that we know and love will be extinct, such as Italian, Greek, most of the non-Russian "satellite Slavic languages," and most (if not all) Native American languages. This may facilitate communication in practicality; however, we will lose culture.

Medical science will still be useless quackery, done to maintain you (or make you worse) and not cure you. I've been in chronic pain for 25 years. I don't foresee them curing things like chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, or autoimmunities anytime soon, particularly because it's the bad food that makes us take the drugs. Soylent Green is true. We've got GMOs, sugar substitutes/MSG excitotoxins, high fructose corn syrup, farmed fish, and a very disgusting meat industry going on already. Also, if we mess up the environment, then we are all eating that because that's where the food was grown. I think they actually want reduced lifespans for everyone. Only the rich will be "immortal," because the rest of us won't be able to afford it. We'll have all to do to afford our algae-powered autonomous vehicles, which will probably run $100K, plus our mortgages and massive future student loans. The debt of the future will probably continue doubling exponentially the way it is doing currently, which means it becomes more and more impossible to escape the slave pyramid. People may have to live in communes as a way to pool resources, or be like those people on the Sister Wives, lol.

In the distant future, child-bearing capacity will be reduced because the food is set to make us infertile within the next generations. People will be applying for child permits and going to the lab to buy engineered babies if they can't make their own anymore. Brain implants may be used for those who are naturally born, since their intelligence will not be even close to the engineered babies. We've had brain implant technology since about 1970, but this will be even better.

Overall, I think we're looking at earth not being able to keep up with human destruction. The only mechanism that the earth has to keep us in check is the weather, which will of course, result in chronic hurricanes, snowstorms, earthquakes, and sink holes. Sink holes will not just be in Florida; they'll begin to pop up anywhere that fracking existed.

The question is... do we send the "least valuable" people to the moon (such as prisoners and centenarians), or would the elites want the moon solely for themselves as an exit strategy? I'm not sure how to call the moon, but I'll guess that the elites want to be the ones to go there, and leave us here.
We won't discover alien life, it will discover us. As such it will be well beyond our knowledge level. Well probably be looked on as a food source.
Medical science will still be useless quackery, done to maintain you (or make you worse) and not cure you. I've been in chronic pain for 25 years. I don't foresee them curing things like chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, or autoimmunities anytime soon, particularly because it's the bad food that makes us take the drugs. Soylent Green is true. We've got GMOs, sugar substitutes/MSG excitotoxins, high fructose corn syrup, farmed fish, and a very disgusting meat industry going on already. Also, if we mess up the environment, then we are all eating that because that's where the food was grown. I think they actually want reduced lifespans for everyone. Only the rich will be "immortal," because the rest of us won't be able to afford it. We'll have all to do to afford our algae-powered autonomous vehicles, which will probably run $100K, plus our mortgages and massive future student loans. The debt of the future will probably continue doubling exponentially the way it is doing currently, which means it becomes more and more impossible to escape the slave pyramid. People may have to live in communes as a way to pool resources, or be like those people on the Sister Wives, lol.

In the distant future, child-bearing capacity will be reduced because the food is set to make us infertile within the next generations. People will be applying for child permits and going to the lab to buy engineered babies if they can't make their own anymore. Brain implants may be used for those who are naturally born, since their intelligence will not be even close to the engineered babies. We've had brain implant technology since about 1970, but this will be even better.

Overall, I think we're looking at earth not being able to keep up with human destruction. The only mechanism that the earth has to keep us in check is the weather, which will of course, result in chronic hurricanes, snowstorms, earthquakes, and sink holes. Sink holes will not just be in Florida; they'll begin to pop up anywhere that fracking existed.

The question is... do we send the "least valuable" people to the moon (such as prisoners and centenarians), or would the elites want the moon solely for themselves as an exit strategy? I'm not sure how to call the moon, but I'll guess that the elites want to be the ones to go there, and leave us here.[/QUOTE]

In the short term, I agree that is the most likely scenario... however the 23,000 year long count is over, the age of pieces is done in 2012. Now, is the age of Aquarius...
I was daydreaming and thinking about the future and automation, and my mind wandered imagining what types of discussions my generation would have with future ones about the implication of humans relying more and more on automation. I thought about my son maybe arguing that an automated workforce guarantees more efficiency and a basic universal income with more freedom and leisure for humans; a better quality of life. And how I would argue that people should be the ones running the show even if it meant having to work and earning money because I grew up in a generation that watched the Terminator movies and "Don't trust them robots!" I imagine as time goes on more and more automation will be introduced and younger people will see it as a natural progression of society while old bats like me will see it as giving up our autonomy and livelihoods to machines.
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[QUOTE="acd, post: 1035462, membefficiency and a basic universal income with more freedom and leisure for humans; a better quality of life.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure basic universal income leads to slavery of all... you will become dependent on it and therefore increasing the amount of dependence on government, whose money (our taxes) is slowly being syphoned off... by the banks. How are they going to pay for a universal income? The laws of economics still apply.... which is why UBI was denied in some countries in Europe. Winter is coming... prepare for life as we know it, is going to change... but I could be wrong :)
Near future visions of an Vita123,

Cryptocurrencies will become even more popular
and awareness will rise hugely among the masses 2018.
Race will go to direction that there will be crypto
"Ali expresses" where you can purphace with any given Altcoin.
OPEC will change petrodollars OILCOIN markets quietly, and Venezuela
will fight against it whith its own Petro coin. USA will win the rally. If
USA will loose then it will crash the economy of the USA as a whole and
might cause global depression and civil wars.
There will be Altcoins to all given minerals markets and they
will be tradet trough blockhains. Crisenest countries have
most need for their own national cryptocurriencies.

Health, IT and services will make new branches of business
as they will be combined to mobile apps to serve public
intrest in current health trends. General public will use their
phones to monitor their own health and pay for the apps.
Healt will be most discussed topic 2018 among the cryptocurrencies.


...To internet markets that can provide blockchain based coins
sales for commodities and goodies.

...To IT-companies that sell health apps.

...To new petro and oilcoins and similars with mineral markets, since they are most likely to
be near futures petrodollar and exchancge currencies,

might be most profitable.
[QUOTE="acd, post: 1035462, membefficiency and a basic universal income with more freedom and leisure for humans; a better quality of life.

I'm pretty sure basic universal income leads to slavery of all... you will become dependent on it and therefore increasing the amount of dependence on government, whose money (our taxes) is slowly being syphoned off... by the banks. How are they going to pay for a universal income? The laws of economics still apply.... which is why UBI was denied in some countries in Europe. Winter is coming... prepare for life as we know it, is going to change... but I could be wrong :)[/QUOTE]
War will break out before that scenrio is ever allowed to happen. This is what I keep saying and people keep telling me I WANT war.
I'm pretty sure basic universal income leads to slavery of all... you will become dependent on it and therefore increasing the amount of dependence on government, whose money (our taxes) is slowly being syphoned off... by the banks. How are they going to pay for a universal income? The laws of economics still apply.... which is why UBI was denied in some countries in Europe. Winter is coming... prepare for life as we know it, is going to change... but I could be wrong :)
War will break out before that scenrio is ever allowed to happen. This is what I keep saying and people keep telling me I WANT war.[/QUOTE]

War is a sign of economic instability... The Fed is unwinding its balance sheet, this will eventually cause the market to crash. Word is bond market will be first. When the stock market does crash, watch for the corresponding drop in gold then buy, buy, buy :)
War will break out before that scenrio is ever allowed to happen. This is what I keep saying and people keep telling me I WANT war.

War is a sign of economic instability... The Fed is unwinding its balance sheet, this will eventually cause the market to crash. Word is bond market will be first. When the stock market does crash, watch for the corresponding drop in gold then buy, buy, buy :)[/QUOTE]

China and Russia are already buying all gold they can because its psychological phenomenom. Poeple seem to believe gold has other than industrial value, and it somehow means treasury than can withdrawed even most of the layman has no idea what to do with gold if they had 1kg of it. China and Russia understand this and for their crebility they are hamstring all gold they can because sheeps, sorry my wordings, believe that gold is wort of real value, when value is something that people give to things or I would say, something that can actually do good to people.

The petrodollar vs. BRICS and yuan currency is 2018 biggest shadow war that could bring this crash of the markets in USA, since it depends on the flow that comes from petrodollar markets.

For Americans. What you do if market crash? You go to work, and continue doing same as you did day before. The internet and cryptos will help your nation to recover even if the markets do crash. If you go to streets, loot and wont do you work, then the real crash starts. So, do your job, even if China and _Russia and other BRICS countries change the petrodollar to other currencies.
One word, good.

If history repeats itself like it has, the good always wins. Always, no matter how bad it looks.
Everything is changing so much at this time in history so it's difficult to imagine.

I think homo sapiens are coming to the end of our trajectory, I think there's going to be an evolutionary step, either becoming merged with robotics, or welcoming our robot overlords, or probably more likely some mixture of those things. We had this funny chat in a psychology class I took in 2001, if you were to replace every part of a human body with a synthetic component that is otherwise identical to the organic original, is the whole still a human being?

Right now I know that there are a lot of scientists working very hard to protect the health of our planet and I just hope they can succeed. It's very scary, other species are getting obliterated because human beings have become so dominant on this planet. I believe in the scientists though, I think they can turn the tide. I like to be optimistic. Hopefully there will be reforestation.

Architecture has been changing rapidly to accommodate high dentisy living and to be more integrated with the natural environment, I guess this trend will continue.

I really want to have a human death, like death as we now know it. I don't want to experience the future we're talking about.