What does your inner life look like?

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My inner life is about struggles, and then hopes!!!
My inner world is very fluid. I think and feel in continuous streams of pictures, colours and emotions that all travel at the speed of light or so it seems, some come to the fore to be analysed, mulled over, played with and then slows down in a moment when a sudden understanding occurs and then reverts back to its travels in its new form making way for something else to come to the fore. These streams can have variations of chaos or have a tranquil feel and I absolutely love spending time here.
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My inner world is very fluid. I think and feel in continuous streams of pictures, colours and emotions that all travel at the speed of light or so it seems, some come to the fore to be analysed, mulled over, played with and then slows down in a moment when a sudden understanding occurs and then reverts back to its travels in its new form making way for something else to come to the fore. These streams can have variations of chaos or have a tranquil feel and I absolutely love spending time here.

this is fun.
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this is fun.
thank you :kiss: can't see the first two though (temporary server error) but the water one is pretty good - you got what I was trying to say - yay - usually I suck at expressing myself.
Chaos........ busy busy busy........... neverending stream of thoughts and ideas and intuitive processing of such............ imagination is always going very strong.... but the intuitive processing of imaginative ideas means there's always a LOT happening

every piece of information that I get...... can be subject to a lot of processing
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I'm always constantly looking for that "light at the end of the tunnel". But I liked this photo.
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