- Enneagram
- 9 Mediator
My first name is derived from the Hebrew name "Miryam". Meaning, "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow". More commonly I have seen "wished-for-child", "rebellion", and "bitter".
My middle name is the French feminine variation of the name originally derived from the Latin "Antonius". Meaning, "Beyond praise", or "highly praise worthy".
My surname is of Dutch origin. My family (and the Internet for that matter) has very little information about the history or meaning of the name. I've read that my last name is a variant of "Godfrey", "Gothard", or "Godert", which are of various German and English origins and meanings. The most common meanings I've been able to find are, "(living with) the protection of God", "spear" combined with "hardy/brave/strong". Also, "goat, herdsman, and keeper", and "God" or "Good" are common.
These suggest you have a great capacity for dealing with the sorrows around you. You have great Heart ability.