- INTJ - A
- Enneagram
- 10000
Any or none of these things could be true. I don't know, neither do you, neither does the pope, neither does Stephen Hawking, neither does Richard Dawkins.
It is ridiculous to have a belief about how the universe came about or what happens when you die. We simply don't know.
Not knowing is proof of nothing. You can't claim this to be proof of god or proof of an uncaused being. Thats just silly.
i think it seems likely that time itself is an invention and therefore cause and effect are irrelevant. Again I'd like to point out that this does not mean god must exist.
It means we don't know
Exactly - we simply do not know. Nobody alive knows for an absolute fact.
The pope believes God causes the universe to exist.
Richard Dawkins believes the universe exists uncaused.
What we think concerning existence is a matter of belief, regardless of whatever we might think - because it is impossible to prove any position scientifically.