1. No teacher I ever had was blind. Many people who are poorly educated despite the best efforts of their teachers have only themselves to blame. No one is prevented from reading a book, even after 8 or more hours of work.
2. I deny the existence of telepathy and, if you believe in it, I say, prove it. Just wanting it to exist, thinking it's cool, or telling anecdotes about it proves nothing.
3. Brain waves are indeed real and do carry information but the information they carry is not what you think it is. Read about eeg's. Telepathy, however, requires propagation of these waves, reception and detection of them, decoding the information (i.e., demodulation), and converting that information to a meaningful form that can be understood and interpreted. There is no evidence for any of these things happening.
: D
I bring good news.
We have been living in the Dark Ages, and now we are coming out!
Currently we are experiencing the re-birth of ancient knowledge, an awakening is taking place.
Not everyone 'gets it' just yet, but as more human beings begin to recognize reality, we will see incredible things.
Our world will completely change in our life time.
Consider how your observation is part of the life technology.
We all make decisions based on input from our senses.
If our senses are dull, we will perceive a different reality.
There is more to reality than what we are able to see.
Those who feel it, know it.
What is it that leads someone to believe anything at all?
Experiences may be deeply transformative, may completely shift our focus.
We may choose to learn from experience, or we may go on in denial.
Some choose not to believe in anything.
Some choose to believe in Nothing.
Some choose to believe in everything.
Some are not aware of the consequences of their choices, but they will have to live with the consequences.
For every action there is a reaction.
Every thought, every intention is a direction of energy.
Energy is flowing through us.
We are swimming in it.
Perhaps the psychic senses are dormant, or will not be available to a closed individual.
Why hold on to any belief which squanders the possibility of exploring things which we do not know?
How much more lucidly could we explore the universe by understanding the true nature of reality?
It starts with simply recognizing the consciousness we behold.