Emanuel Goldstein
Community Member
- Enneagram
- No idea
(stupid tablet)
liberal = fascist
USA = police state
flat earther = makes you think (limited evidence for spherical world)
lizardmen - native american legends "snake with big feet" Hopi Indians or Buddha tells snake he cannot be a monk story.... evidence.
magic = alchemy = sex = power of creation
M = woman = holy grail
A = Man = phallus
N = spirit
in order to achieve enlightenment
don't shave hair = whiskers (see native american trackers can't track after hair cut)
fapping = spilling the sacred water
water = AM (see definition of AM dictionary)... therefore ... I AM = I Water
see earlier what A and M stand for as letters
do not spill the sacred water you'll piss God off ( figuratively speaking)
road to heaven is further explained by sacred geometry.... seed of life/flower of life (see spirit science)
did I miss anything? What else ya got? if you are IMFJ (or whatever that acronym is) you got some threads to pull…..
oh yeah ... nephilum = giants = giants among men = untouchable 1% bankers, industrialists, politicians etc = above the law
history doesn't repeat but it rhymes