What is Beauty?


Seeker at heart
Hi guys,

Lately I've been quite interested in the philosophical field of aesthetics, which is usually defined as "the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty." Which leads to the following question: what exactly is beauty? How do we understand it? People have an intuitive understanding of what the word beauty refers to, but tend to disagree wildly on how to define it.

It would be cool to hear your thoughts and hopefully arrive at a satisfactory definition of what beauty is. :)
Hi guys,

Lately I've been quite interested in the philosophical field of aesthetics, which is usually defined as "the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty." Which leads to the following question: what exactly is beauty? How do we understand it? People have an intuitive understanding of what the word beauty refers to, but tend to disagree wildly on how to define it.

It would be cool to hear your thoughts and hopefully arrive at a satisfactory definition of what beauty is. :)
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@sassafras thanks for contributing!

It's when the picture in our minds lines up closely with what we perceive and vice versa.

When you say "our minds", do you mean the human mind in general, or a specific person's mind? If the latter, it would seem to follow that criteria for beauty are subjective to that extent.
@sassafras thanks for contributing!
When you say "our minds", do you mean the human mind in general, or a specific person's mind? If the latter, it would seem to follow that criteria for beauty are subjective to that extent.

Mind consists of the individual and his/her/their subconscious in addition to the superconscious which all of us tap into.
what exactly is beauty? How do we understand it? People have an intuitive understanding of what the word beauty refers to, but tend to disagree wildly on how to define it.

I believe that there will never be a universally agreed upon definition for beauty.

Beauty is subjective. We observe beauty, but it cannot be measured or recorded; attempts to do so will provide inconsistent results between interraters.

So goes the saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

What one person perceives as beautiful, another may not. Some see beauty in the light, some in the dark, and some in between. Some may believe trauma and sadness are beautiful, while others disagree and seek it only in miracles and joy.

It's psychological. It's cultural. It's spiritual. It's personal. Our perception is shaped by our experiences, and no two people will ever share identical experiences throughout their lifetimes. Similarities, yes. But even similar experiences are perceived differently in each person's mind. Our views, beliefs, interests, backgrounds, etc. are all factors which influence our interpretation of "beauty."

I can tell you what I believe beauty is, but that would be irrelevant. It's my opinion alone.

Perhaps beauty is not something external: something which we can see our touch. Maybe beauty exists within ourselves and coincides with our ability to see or find beauty in all things?
I suppose I consider it uglypretty. But what did Oscar Wilde say? The truth is rarely pure and never simple?

Oscar Wilde is awesome, but I don't think what you are referring to here is truth in the sense in which @Deleted member 16771 / John Keats meant it.

When we say that sometimes "truth is ugly", I think what we mean is that what's ugly is that certain facts are true. So it's not technically truth that is ugly, but the facts — which are the case. I can't see how Truth with a capital T could be considered ugly.

I think the suggestion that beauty is truth is somewhat akin to @Pin's associating beauty with harmony; with the very fact that truth 'ensures' a holding, a kind of link between the world and what we say/think, rather than an absence of such a link (a dis-harmony).
Facts are truth

Ok, we can say that facts are "what is the case" (rather than embracing a 'weaker' understanding of facts as what either is or is not the case, as in OM).

Still, "what is the case" is not synonymous with truth itself. It is true that I am French, yet my Frenchness is not synonymous with truth.
Symmetry & curves.


This suggests a Platonic position on truth, which I sympathize with, but has its problems.

What about, say, the works of Basquiat? Dissonant/atonal classical music? Would you be willing to infer that those aren't worthy of being called "beautiful"?
Ok, we can say that facts are "what is the case" (rather than embracing a 'weaker' understanding of facts as what either is or is not the case, as in OM).

Still, "what is the case" is not synonymous with truth itself. It is true that I am French, yet my Frenchness is not synonymous with truth.

A spoon is a spoon