What is Christianity?

Yes, reason sometimes has a monkey hold onto something and not be able to remove his hand. Reason is subject to intellect. Sometimes one must simply learn to let go. (monkey with hand stuck in jar holding on to a banana trick)

CS Lewis has a rather interesting book called "Mere Christianity" where he shares his own personal thoughts, should anyone like to read it. I think any answer by a human being will show how that person feels or believes in the Bible. A Christian can answer a Christian without many problems.

I have found it a waste of time trying to discuss this with someone that is against Christianity, as opposed to someone that really wants to learn about it.

Christianity is a way of life; a path chosen to walk that explains itself to one as one walks that path. It is an understanding of human frailties without condemnation. It is the knowledge of Christ that has healed us with His stripes. It is the wisdom of God.

I must add there is much more to Christianity. One could write a book trying to explain it. Jesus walked the earth born Jewish, which many Christians seem to forget or overlook. "He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." Isaiah 53
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Christianity is about confessing sins and accepting faults with open heart, so you can get a chance to correct from god and also live a life with limit as human being. Human being's limit is s/he can make fault any time.
Christianity is about confessing sins and accepting faults with open heart, so you can get a chance to correct from god and also live a life with limit as human being. Human being's limit is s/he can make fault any time.

The "can make fault any time" has somewhat "turned my head" a few times. We should not surmise regarding such a thing. Those that understand will not question, but there may be those that question whether that gives one a free pass to do anything one wants, as long as one confesses it afterward. It does not.

Conspiracy to commit an act of sin after one has come to the knowledge of Christ, while thinking one can "get away" with it by just confession, is not the mindset of Christianity. I feel you know this, but felt the need for a disclaimer of sorts. It is not a "Get Out Of Jail Free" pass like in the game "Monopoly".

Yes, we all sin. If we sin we are sinners. I am a sinner, though seeking to be holy. We are told to present our bodies a living sacrifice; holy and acceptable in His sight. When we fall short of the glory of God, we should not condemn ourselves. We are told to not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind that we might find what is that good, and perfect, and acceptable will of God. That often adds to the difficulties some already have being understood or accepted by others.

Those that are led by the Spirit of God shall be called the children of God.
Satya, I am sorry to hear that "Christians" pushed you away from Christianity because of their close-mindedness and inability to accept people for who they are. I am ashamed to say that I use to think the same things about homosexuals and bisexuals when I was in high school, because that was what I was always taught. It was not until I went off to college that I began to make the association that people cannot and should not be faulted for circumstances beyond their control, and especially for who they are. Unfortunately, this bigotry runs rampant though today's churches. Christians seem to forget about the whole "love thy neighbor as thy self" motif in the new testament. People get too caught up in literal meanings of verses of the Bible that they try to convolute to fit whatever point/stand they are making and forget about the big picture. I for one do not care for organized religion anymore. I still consider myself Christian but it is because of what I believe and not what people tell me to believe. I hope and pray that you one day encounter Christians with open minds and hearts.
Satya, I am sorry to hear that "Christians" pushed you away from Christianity because of their close-mindedness and inability to accept people for who they are. I am ashamed to say that I use to think the same things about homosexuals and bisexuals when I was in high school, because that was what I was always taught. It was not until I went off to college that I began to make the association that people cannot and should not be faulted for circumstances beyond their control, and especially for who they are. Unfortunately, this bigotry runs rampant though today's churches. Christians seem to forget about the whole "love thy neighbor as thy self" motif in the new testament. People get too caught up in literal meanings of verses of the Bible that they try to convolute to fit whatever point/stand they are making and forget about the big picture. I for one do not care for organized religion anymore. I still consider myself Christian but it is because of what I believe and not what people tell me to believe. I hope and pray that you one day encounter Christians with open minds and hearts.

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Gandhi

That sums it up for me. I've met many Red Letter Christians who exemplify a literal and yet progressive view of the Bible and they tend to redeem it for me. Given that Jesus was a man who stood up to the religiously righteous, not the nonbelievers and sinners, but those religious nuts who felt the need to condemn; I am awestruck at how judgmental and irrational most Christians come across.

When it comes to homosexuality, there are only 6 verses in the Bible that condemn it. You know how many verses in the Bible are regarding Poverty? Over 300! Where the fuck are the priorities with most Christians? Jesus never said a word about homosexuality.
‘The world is so full of possibilities that dogmatism is simply indecent’-Albert Einstein

Goodnight and good luck
Its all food for thought

Fresh perspectives are good for broadening horizons

If we don't challenge perspectives whether our own or other people's then there can be no growth

If we can't see the lay of the land how can we be sure if we are going in the right direction?

We could be stuck in a mental prison unable to grasp the full potentials of ourselves and our own thoughts

Without comparison how do we know if our minds are free?

Einstein is right.....we should consider all possibilities and remain open to new perspectives and ideas and to not do so is a crime to ourselves and each other

Does that sound malicious?
Its all food for thought

Fresh perspectives are good for broadening horizons

If we don't challenge perspectives whether our own or other people's then there can be no growth

If we can't see the lay of the land how can we be sure if we are going in the right direction?

We could be stuck in a mental prison unable to grasp the full potentials of ourselves and our own thoughts

Without comparison how do we know if our minds are free?

Einstein is right.....we should consider all possibilities and remain open to new perspectives and ideas and to not do so is a crime to ourselves and each other

Does that sound malicious?

I honestly think that 99.5% of the time most of us - most people - are open to 100's of different ideas, possibilities and decisions - but in that 99.5% of the time there is ALWAYS at least one idea/possibility/decision that we are completely unwilling to accept/consider/make.
My entire content was lost by a new window I have never before seen. I spent a lot of energy trying to post that and will now go to rest.
I think the title of this thread is apt, so here it goes.

What do you think Christanity is? Why do you think that?

Simple enough question right.


added a why to the waht to help get more in depth answers.

Well, I find Christianity to be the way to the truth and the light.
Back OT:

Christianity is like every other religion and is a means to explain the world as we cannot fathom it ourselves. It is based on the the story and actions of Jesus whom lives 2 millenia ago. Through the stories of and surrounding his life and death the framework for how people should live and how they are connected to god are made.


This is just so you can find the OT posts
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Christianity is a set of dogmas to maintain a specific culture and like Kav said, provide an explanation for phenomena..

That's what I think all religion is, a means to create and try to maintain a culture and a way for people to have their answers handed to them.

If it wasn't that way, different religions would not evolve to adapt to the scientific and social advancements a society makes.

It's followers are maintained and converted by the religions simultaneously scaring the hell out of people while giving them inexplicable feelings of love and hope.

At least, that's what I think Christianity is.
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Why is Christianity about scaring people?
Why else would there be a hell for sinners?
And a devil that Father God has to protect you from?

There's a lot of terror in Christianity to mingle with the feelings of love and hope. That's what I'm saying.

Any interpersonal relationship mingled with terrifying threats and promises of redemption and love would be considered traumatic and abusive, so why put up with it from an invisible being? Oddly enough, this is what works in controlling people's minds.. Scare them and offer while offering them safety. Call me a crack pot, it's the way I see it.
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Why else would there be a hell for sinners?
And a devil that Daddy-God has to protect you from?

If that is how you view Christianity, you are dead wrong because here is how I see it...

1. If you are a Christian and know Christ, why fear a place you do not go to? I thought the Bible said this: " There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18, NIV So why have any fear?
2. If you are a believer in another religion, why would threats of hell scare you?
3. If you are an atheist, why would being told you are going to a place you don't believe exist scare you?

So the only conclusion I can find is this... if you are afraid of hell, your faith is very weak.

There's a lot of terror in Christianity to mingle with the feelings of love and hope. That's what I'm saying.

No terror I know because there is no fear for those who live in the love of Christ. Why fear a place you don't believe you are going?

Any interpersonal relationship mingled with terrifying threats and promises of redemption and love would be considered traumatic and abusive, so why put up with it from an invisible being?

And as I said above, that is out and out wrong because perfect love drives out fear and what better love is it then to know that Christ died for us?
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