What is Elon Musks temperament?

What is Elons temperament?

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is Elon here blowing the white supremacist whistle?

maybe growing up with apartheid money, he pines for the days old old :P

ok, lulz aside, it does make me wonder.

is Elon here blowing the white supremacist whistle?

maybe growing up with apartheid money, he pines for the days old old :p

ok, lulz aside, it does make me wonder.

Technically speaking, if Elon Musk has US citizenship, he would then be the richest African American in history. :tonguewink:
Technically speaking, if Elon Musk has US citizenship, he would then be the richest African American in history. :tonguewink:
Lol. :D

is Elon here blowing the white supremacist whistle?
What, why? Context?

Anyway, we'll likely be hit by an asteroid like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. And we'll have run out of fossil fuels. And we'll be in an ice age. All of that affects everybody. Skin color or money doesn't really save you from extinction events. Which really means we're all in this together.

See, that's the problem with the idea of dog whistles. You can only read into them what you already believe to be true. Only bitches can hear dog whistles.
I do find the pressure against Apple and Google's monopolization of apps on phones, basically having the power to determine what apps we have access to because of locking phones, a very good sign.

All in all musk has proven he indeed does understand how the free market works which is why when he didn't like what Twitter was doing he bought it in order to run in the way he wants to run it. The same goes for the app store situation; musk has no grounds to tell other companies how to run their company, but to introduce competition is a way the free market will allow him to put economic pressure on the system. That's what he's good at.

I'm not really sure what his strategy is with calling out the advertisers that are pulling other than to give them bad press, which is a powerful weapon in this day and age and exactly what is impacting musk himself right now.

I was always impressed with apple as a company and the way that they are pretty good at protecting their consumers data. I would be interested to know what their motivation is for pulling advertising from Twitter. They have yet to make any sort of official statement on it.
When a building is on fire, most people get out so they're not burned should it grow out of control.
I think Apple was just being cautious and Elon is reading too much into it, taking it personally.
“Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy,” reads Twitter’s official site, without any particular explanation as to why this policy has been lifted. More than 11,000 accounts have been banned since 2020 for spreading misinformation on the platform, per a pre-Musk company report

“Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy,” reads Twitter’s official site, without any particular explanation as to why this policy has been lifted. More than 11,000 accounts have been banned since 2020 for spreading misinformation on the platform, per a pre-Musk company report


So you're a fan of misinformation :thonking:
Capitalism doesn’t exist without the free exercise thereof.

Life doesn't exist, never met a human that didn't deceive ever, whether that deception was deliberate or not. When you start to be the authority on what information is true or false and simply remove false information, if that power gets into the wrong hands, now you have a Orwellian nightmare. The solution to bad speech is more speech.
Life doesn't exist, never met a human that didn't deceive ever, whether that deception was deliberate or not.

Fair enough, but immaterial to what was said.

When you start to be the authority on what information is true or false and simply remove false information, if that power gets into the wrong hands, now you have a Orwellian nightmare.

Fair enough, so multi-party peer review of original source material with citation would be a worthy solution with a return to previous FCC standards strongly considered for willful falsity.

The solution to bad speech is more speech.

The previous 15 years have proven, beyond any doubt, this is wholly and absolutely untrue.

Well, I suppose it depends if you have a goal in mind. I do, and I admit it is idealist in nature, and a lost cause given the audience.

where would he start?


The most surprising part of this is that he's still writing his tweets from an iphone after all of the beef he's had with them lately lol

I tried really hard for a long time to try to understand the outrage over pronouns, but it just doesn't resonate with me. Packaging that together with what, Covid truther stuff? What a strange decision. I guess trying to make Twitter a rumble.

On one hand, I'm like, fair enough since most social media sites have a left bias. On the other hand I'm disappointed that he wasn't going to be more bipartisan like he had presented originally.