What is important in life?

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you! And to hear the lamentation of their women!

Oh wait you said important I thought you asked what was best in life.

Lol! My ESTP boyfriend is ALWAYS saying that!! Are you sure you are typed correctly ;-)

What is important to me? "To love, and to be loved . . . "

Well, sorta. It feels a little twilight though, so I wanna gag a little . . .

Others happiness? Yeah, important, but not always possible. More realistically, mutually agreeable harmony. I don't care if they are all "happy", I just want them to work on getting along.
self-control, improvement, and soaking up the funnnnnnn:m2:

How to achieve happiness is the difficult part.
To win the game: set some goals to meet, don't make excuses, enjoy the ride, and help others along the way.

But most important of all: Live up to your own standards.

I have a problem with "Live up to your OWN standards. What if your standards are incorrect. A compulsive rapist living up to his standards is a menace to society and destructive to his victims.

To me the important thing is to take every opportunity that exists to make the world around you better, to the extent that you understand "better" to be. Additionally, seeking to refine your understanding of what "better" is, and adjusting your actions to each refinement that is made.
I have a problem with "Live up to your OWN standards. What if your standards are incorrect. A compulsive rapist living up to his standards is a menace to society and destructive to his victims.

To me the important thing is to take every opportunity that exists to make the world around you better, to the extent that you understand "better" to be. Additionally, seeking to refine your understanding of what "better" is, and adjusting your actions to each refinement that is made.
Hitler wanted to make the world "better."
Mao claimed to make China "better."
etc. etc.

You're both essentially saying the same thing.
Challenges, 'good' stress, and competition. They all force you to change how you look at life, and how you approach situations.

I would say that family and friends are very important, as are your values and beliefs. Finding a job that is exciting to go is also a big plus.
What is important in life

The open steppe, a fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair. (Lol. Name that movie!!)

I have no idea what is important in life any more. What is important in life?
I feel so drained right now. My social circle is basically that of a functional extrovert in the popular sense of the world. It is loads of nothing.
All this stuff may be lumped in with the materialism which dominates the modern mentality. Too many have lost their souls to the idiot box. Most relationships, sex, friendships, etc... are extremely superficial. One might as well be friends with a robot.

On a more serious note. First off... read what you wrote yourself. Your current social circle is draining you. Get away from these people!!! Social activity is not supposed to drain you; it's supposed to be fun.

And you know what, you are right, they are robots. Most of the people in this society are robots. Exactly that. But, as INFJs, most of us are not robots. We can't be, by definition. So, stop hanging out with these superficial people. It will drain you.

Find people who are deep. Who think about more meaningful things. Who can talk about something beyond reality shows and American Idol. They are rare, but if you are serious about looking, you can find them. :) Good luck. *hugs*
When life gives you lemons you [______] ...fill in the blanks :D lol

I put salt on the lemons and eat them. It sounds and looks horribly sour and disgusting, but when you try it, its actually pretty good. Don't eat too many though. I knew a guy who ate like dozens of slices with salt.... not good!
On a more serious note. First off... read what you wrote yourself. Your current social circle is draining you. Get away from these people!!! Social activity is not supposed to drain you; it's supposed to be fun.

So, stop hanging out with these superficial people. It will drain you.

Find people who are deep. Who think about more meaningful things. Who can talk about something beyond reality shows and American Idol. They are rare, but if you are serious about looking, you can find them. :) Good luck. *hugs*

I can't leave these people. I didn't mean they are a specific group of people. It is more like groups of people and collections of individuals. I don't mind being friends with them, and I'll be really lucky if I find deep thinkers. I'm not sure that is what I really need though.

Hitler wanted to make the world "better."
Mao claimed to make China "better."
etc. etc.

You're both essentially saying the same thing.

I love you realism/pessimism. It is sexy.

self-control, improvement, and soaking up the funnnnnnn:m2:
Aren't fun and self control antithetical? Do you think we need a balance? How do we achieve such a balance?

Lol! My ESTP boyfriend is ALWAYS saying that!! Are you sure you are typed correctly ;-)

What is important to me? "To love, and to be loved . . . "

Well, sorta. It feels a little twilight though, so I wanna gag a little . . .

Others happiness? Yeah, important, but not always possible. More realistically, mutually agreeable harmony. I don't care if they are all "happy", I just want them to work on getting along.

What is harmony? How can people get along, except by better communication? Will they do that?

one thing though, do not depend on others to make you happy, I know relationships seems to be important nowadays..but really it's not...if your life is void, do not expect someone else to come along and fill it for you..especially if that other person is just as lost as you are, you'll get nothing but pain and hurt from it...and then when they leave , the leave a bigger gap behind. So really, it's you who decides what's imortant in your life...and it happens slowly...step by step you'll come to know what it is, just don't give up along the way, no one said it's easy

How is this possible? I don't mean about relationships. I know not to seek relationships to make me happy, but people in general? Isn't that the purpose of consciousness?

so I also wonder a lot of times, why do we live actualy?

Because we fear death?

The answer: I don't know.
So you're in the same boat then?
What is harmony? How can people get along, except by better communication? Will they do that?

Better communication is a start, yes, but they also have to learn to compromise, make the necessary sacrifices conducive to an environment they can all accept. You can hate someone and do an excellent job of improving your communication of that feeling . . .

Harmony, in my opinion, is when two or more people make the choice together (the communication you mentioned above) to work as a unit in improving all aspects of their life. I'm sure this definition could be further classified, but I don't really have much time at the moment!

The motivation, hopefully, would be the creation of a peaceful state without compromising values and beliefs that are essential to who you are. That's the tricky part. I think most people have a few toxic values and beliefs they hold as essential. It wouldn't kill them to do an honest evaluation of themselves, but the fear of becoming someone else is too strong. Perhaps they are afraid of losing self-identity?
The open steppe, a fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair. (Lol. Name that movie!!)

Conan the same place my quote earlier in the thread came from, in fact the same scene lol!

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you! And to hear the lamentation of their women!
Oh wait you said important I thought you asked what was best in life.
Ding ding. From Conan the Barbarian. Well it was 'best' in the movie but I thought it was close enough. lol.