I never really had a father. Recently, I've been wondering what it would have been like. How would I have turned out differently and stuff like that. For all those people who had fathers, how would your life have been different without one?
You'd still be you! (hugs)
My dad was (is) great, but is also the sort of stereotypical white male businessman who doesn't do mushy stuff or change diapers. He provides for his family and disappears behind a newspaper and a scotch at night. He's an ISTJ/P and worked very hard when I was extremely little, so I actually rarely remember seeing him as a little girl, he was around but in a vague, oh, yeah, I forgot, YOU live here kind of way. I remember being so tiny I sort of forgot his head was there because all I ever saw was his knees and heard this big booming voice from somewhere near the stratosphere. I was a little frightened, actually.
I never quite felt as comfortable with him as with my mom because he simply wasn't the go-to parent about boo-boos or carpools or god forbid, boy trouble. (cringe)
As I got older, he played with me, taught me how to do interesting things like ski and shoot Pabst blue ribbon cans with a BBgun, and provided a load of calm common sense delivered with a smart-assy pun. He liked my brothers much better due to their lack of hysterics and angst, but he loved me too. He's a little absent-minded professory sometimes. He LOVES to read, and had me reading by 4. (And would brag to anyone who would listen. Or not.) Not sensitive. He himself was a privileged but pressured only child -- and it kind of shows to this day.
He encouraged me to learn and try new things which made me less picky and more adventurous than I would have been otherwise. He encourages honesty and trying to find facts. I remember him holding me during absolute temper tantrum meltdowns and how just being gently physically restrained helped me get calmer emotionally.
I always knew (know) he will protect me, and having a father support his family materially can be hugely important as well. I was never spoiled, exactly -- worked since I was 14 -- but still, I knew if there was something I really needed, be it a roof over my head or whatever, my dad would do his best to see I got it. Okay I guess I was spoiled.