What is the drunk version of you like?


Snow booty is the best booty

As the wise man said:

"Ain't not booty like a snowman booty, cause a snowman booty don't stop."
Oh I forgot, another thing I can do when I'm drunk is writing something creative and being amazed at how great it is, only to wake up the morning after and come to the sober realisation that it's actually not so amazing.
I've done this..... Then, the next morning I woke up to read my masterpiece only to find a rambling incoherent run on sentence... Which I finished by penning, "I forgot what I was going to write."
The drunk version of me is a giggly booze gremlin that keeps insisting everyone should drink more and order pizza.

TDHT? You are missed soul sister. I hope you’re well, M. ~Love, D.
It has been rumoured drunk-me actually is quite sociable and fun.

I wouldn't know though, somehow I'm never around when that happens.
I can relate - most of the times that I do decide to get drunk is when I feel dark clouds hanging over me or when I feel ice chunks beginning to grow on the inside.

Good news - I have bought two bottles of Strongbow!
I want to be there when the drinking happens. :D
I doubt I'm going to get drunk from those, and you know I only drink one kind of booze at a time. So it requires a little more effort and a bar to accomplish this.