What Is The First Thing People Notice About Your Personality?

Ah! You are noticeably awkward and we like that. Other people do as well though, and they can see just how awkward you are from the get-go with your dry humor, strange reactions, and dare we say odd, personal preferences. However, being awkward is your claim to fame! You add some flavor to the conversation and help break the ice no matter what situation you find yourself in!


You are one quirky individual! The first thing that people notice about your personality is how silly, random and odd you can really be. You are never boring, that's for sure. But this is why people love being around you and always have a good time in your presence. We know that you're just being yourself, a natural goofball who doesn't like to take things too seriously and worries later instead of now.
Your most prominent personality trait is how innovative you are! People tend to notice how naturally creative and crafty you are when they first meet you, and how can we blame them? Your quick-witted, refreshingly insightful, and original in your personal ideas. You're a true thinker which allows you to be unique at any problem solving task that's in front of you and this is why others value you your company so much.

^I would like to think this is me but sometimes I don't feel this way because lately, I feel as if I am just a reflection of everyone I know.