What is the key to knowing you better?

Allowing me space and opportunity to be myself, without presumption or expectation. I've known very few people who do this. Instead they rely on social norms, which I don't find very accommodating.

Caring and patience also helps. I don't want to share my feelings with someone who doesn't give a shit.
  1. Dare to ask me anything. There are certain questions I won’t answer, but I won’t be offended by you having asked them. Really, feel free to ask anything that you are curious about, or strikes your fancy.
  2. Don’t be surprised if I flip it a bit and ask you a question or two. I have no expectation of you, and you don’t owe me anything, so I’ll graciously accept your no if no is your reply. That said, please understand my questions come from my need to know and be known—so if you’re willing to engage with something akin to reciprocity, I’ll both hold you in high esteem and become visibly enthused.
  3. Feel free to be yourself, without condition, censor, or apology, because that freedom is what I’ll be aiming for. Be yourself—be real—because authenticity is like the North Star to me.
  4. I’m not going to judge you in any way, and I would appreciate being offered the same in return.
  5. And yeah, don’t be a dick. I suppose that alone covers quite a lot.
(Women)Forget it at first. Make us happy. Spend time with me. Talk with me a lot. Allow me to hold you. Play eye contact. I'll let you know the pieces of me I see in you. Forgive my shortcomings, as I forgive yours. Please try not to say GD, as that is a big turnoff.
Nobody knows me but close. If we make it that far, allow me to love you. I'm used to shortcomings, but be with only me. If not, please leave first.

(Friends women) let me understand your boundaries. I'll share most of mine. Allow me to hug and hold you on occasion, but as best friends. It will take time.

(Guys) Only friendship or acquaintance. I am the lion and the lamb that learned to live together. We'll work it out or be on our ways.

(Wife) Take it easy on me. It should be easy to see.
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After today's conversation, I have to add a Godly woman. Talk with me 15 minutes and we feel we know each other. Maybe she was an angel.