What is worth fighting for?

What is worth fighting for? Why?

i really don't know :/ a lot of things are important but there are question marks as to whether they're worth fighting for, and if they are, to what extent.
I thought the answer to this was obvious:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3EA3PfXAJE"]YouTube- Beastie Boys-"(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right to Party"[/ame]
What is worth fighting for? Why?

Anything good. Doesn't mean you need to fight when fighting isn't needed. You need to ask yourself why is it good and why is it under threat, and those are your reasons.
I want to say freedom, independence. But such things are illusions. Ironically, freedom from illusion may be the thing which most drives me, but it's a quicksand battle. The harder one fights the deeper one is lost.

I think ideas are imbued with a life that ensures someone, somewhere, will bring them to light, no matter how many heretics are burned along the way. If one vessel fails another will bear. Oh. Heretics. If any human is worth fighting for, it's the heretic that carries the thought-form that can change the landscape of man.
My spirit & also my closest, adoring friends. My dear friends mirror different parts of me that I treasure above anything else in this world (of course, this goes with family too). If I let them fade away one by one, I will also fade away. My purpose to life will only dim and become an illusion. So I fight for them, I fight to help them keep their strength...
For me, family is important. I'd always fight for my family, and htier well being and protect them and protect their dreams, wheather it's my parents and siblings, or my husband and children in the future.

Something else I find worth fighting for, are my dreams and goals in life. I may not always get what I want or achieve my i chase after, but knowing tht i did everything that was in my power to make it happen and knowing that I fought for it, is satisfying enough.

Or everything, I don't really know. It would be so nice to be able to say something like love and freedom. But they are both abstracts, internal, they exist in perception. Fighting for love is like fighting for the blue color.