Shai Gar
it's one of the reasons I don't agree with the christian religion
Hey now, NO group is really christian now, because every christian group picks and chooses what parts of the Bible they want to follow. Not to mention the Bible contradicts itself a few times- so, by your strict definitions, it's impossible to be christian. It's better to just have a laxer definition of Christianity... it's more usable, and pisses less people off.All Christian societies are patriarchal, otherwise they are not Christian. The New Testament states that women are allowed no authority over man. It wasn't stated in any way that could have any other possible meaning, therefore no Christian society can be either feminist, humanist or matriarchal.
Exactly! So, what happens when you have a lot of average/poor joes around with no women to make them settle down? You have social strife, and enough angry manpower to have a successful revolution. Which would be crappy for the men on top. (I guess the only way to really manage that would be to conscript all the angry men and send them to faraway lands to rape, pillage, burn. *Remember, the burning always happens LAST.*)Widespread polygamy would mean rich dudes would have all the ladies and average joes would be left with no womens.![]()
but those are illegal in ordinary marriages anyway. how could that even START to be a problem?
There are some crazy's out there, but there is no way that they could make those legal, ever.
In all honesty, the way I see marriage. If everyone who wants to get married says "I Do" (I know there are some semantic issues with this, but I won't argue them cause it is pointless), then they get married! Note that this excludes marrying anything other then human.
Well they aren't part of human society so they have no use for official human social bonds.
There are some crazy's out there, but there is no way that they could make those legal, ever.
In all honesty, the way I see marriage. If everyone who wants to get married says "I Do" (I know there are some semantic issues with this, but I won't argue them cause it is pointless), then they get married! Note that this excludes marrying anything other then human.
All Christian societies are patriarchal, otherwise they are not Christian. The New Testament states that women are allowed no authority over man. It wasn't stated in any way that could have any other possible meaning, therefore no Christian society can be either feminist, humanist or matriarchal.
precisely, separation of church and state exactly. which is why it shouldn't be called marriage but civil union. marriage is religious, and civil unions are not. i'm not dissing civil unions here, i think they're far better than marriages which are held in the eyes of a non existent being.
In the United States, marriages have about 1,100 more federal rights and benefits than do civil unions or domestic partnerships. Religious groups like to argue that they are exactly the same. I know that isn't what you mean, since you would probably like to redefine all government marriages as civil unions, but it is important to make the distinction.
Fuck all these labels. Just do what you want without being a dick, and without being sneaky or dishonest.
This^^My biggest issue with polygamy is the sexual bias. If the men can have multiple wives, why the hell can't I have multiple husbands?