What is your country/state's MBTI archetype?

:D Sounds good. We were just going to buy the business, and fire the waiter publicly for insulting the patrons.
:D Sounds good. We were just going to buy the business, and fire the waiter publicly for insulting the patrons.

Oh no! Don't do that! Then I'll be overcome with guilt for getting annoyed with the waiter in the first place, and expressing my annoyance publicly in the second, and will have to make an abject yet really moving public apology, and plea for a cessation of the sweeping overhaul based on one person's possibly misinterpreted experience!
Here I'll take him around back.:mcry:
Here I'll take him around back.:mcry:

Thanks. Hey, Shai Gar? Go on around back with SgtBlankee :becky:

*meanwhile, smuggle waiter to safety*

Nah, those would be the INTJ and ENTJ. Cold and practically devoid of life. INFJs are warm and sensitive and original. I'm thinking it has to be a little closer to the equator.

The Galapagos Islands
I don't know what I would say was a particularly INFJ country. Probably Switzerland. They don't like to get involved in conflict :-) Definitely not America (or France).
I'm in England although I'd have to disagree with the first post saying England is prim and proper. That's a rather outdated stereotype now I'm afraid. We drink too much, fight too much (among ourselves not other countries...tend to be anti-war) and think we're better than everybody else. We're also cynical and have a tendency towards tolerance and liberalness (although that's changing nowadays with this whole "terrorism" thing). We also don't wear enough clothes! All the other European countries think English girls are sluts because we tend to reveal!
I don't know much about these personality types. Anyone got any idea what England could be?
I'm in England although I'd have to disagree with the first post saying England is prim and proper. That's a rather outdated stereotype now I'm afraid.

I was interested in the stereotypes themselves not the reality. :D

We drink too much, fight too much (among ourselves not other countries...tend to be anti-war) and think we're better than everybody else. We're also cynical and have a tendency towards tolerance and liberalness (although that's changing nowadays with this whole "terrorism" thing). We also don't wear enough clothes! All the other European countries think English girls are sluts because we tend to reveal!
I don't know much about these personality types. Anyone got any idea what England could be?

I was interested in the stereotypes themselves not the reality. :D


This is the Eurpoean stereotype of the British. The American and Australian steretypes are different! In Europe we're known as loud-mouth brutes!

It's like some countries have a stereotype of the French as romantic whereas in England the stereotype for a Frenchman the opposite - Stuck-up, wimpy, stand-offish, rude and arrogant. I think everybody thinks the same of the Germans though! :-)
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I think this girl is ESFP, total performer! :D


Skip the first couple of minutes.
Hey, check this out:


It's the excerpts from the book "Where in the World Do I Belong??" by Brent Massey, which categorizes hundreds of countries by their myers-briggs type. By cross-referencing the Table of Contents and the index, you can figure out which countries fall under which type. It also shows how they decided on the types for each country (Power distance, masculinity-femininity, uncertainty avoidance, etc.) Sadly, there are no INFJ countries...but Belgium and Greenland are ENFJ cultures (whoo-hoo...)
(bumping this ancient thread because I was talking with @Ginny about it)

As a reminder for possible further contemplating:
  • Germany might be ISTJ ..Ni-focused
  • and the US ESFP

Insofar as this can be done :wink: Wales is INFP; South England ESFJ; North England ISFJ; Scotland ENFJ; Ireland ISFP. Although I'm probably wrong on all counts.
That's certainly possible. Generally, the Welsh and the Irish are very similar in temperament.

Yeah, I experienced that actually! I went to a conference in Cardiff University in 2010 and had a great time there. The Welsh students I met were really nice and thoughtful in a way that reminded me of the Irish. In 2011 I went to St Andrews for another conference, but stayed in Dundee, and thought the Scottish students were a little more extroverted, somehow. Though I must say, I liked them a lot too.

The only ones that I found a bit more distant were the English students that I met in Oxford, but very likely that had more to do with Oxford than with Englishness :P