My current hell = being in a situation where I have to receive help from people I can't even stand to be around for long periods of time. And we are stuck together in a very small 3 bedroom house, so there's no escaping eachother really. It feels so so so awful. I hate having to be helped as it is. This isn't to say I am not thankful or grateful that they are (I really really am), and I'm thankful that I even have this option. I know some people don't.
But it does really suck to be in a situation you can't get out of for a while where you feel obligated to be cooperative and nice and to put up with peoples BS that pretty much completely goes against the very fabric of the kind of person you are, just so you don't step on any toes and create drama since you're going to have to be stuck with them for a while. In a sense, they also are obligated to help me, just because I am their child. What would people think if they had just said, "no, you can't stay with us, you figure something else out or you get to live on the street"?
So there you have it, two parties forced together through obligatory situations. It is truly hellish at times.